
Good to hear I’m not missing anything of value during late night talk shows.

I really enjoyed his ill-conceived round table discussion with Louis C.K., Chris Rock and Jerry Seinfeld. You could tell Gervais was hoping to have a discussion with what he considered to be his contemporaries, but it was great watching them make it clear that he wasn’t anywhere near the league of comedian they are

Fucked up white girl behind her to star in drunk tank puke session tonight at 11.

Well that just gave me a raging hate boner.

That’s a great argument to centuries of murder and oppression due to an overly zealous relationship with your imaginary friend.

I guess his God didn’t love him enough to let him make it to 100. That must sting.....that and dying.

And nothing of value was lost that day. Enjoy being worm food, you self-righteous, bigoted old cunt.

No thanks. I’m not interested in dog and pony shows.

Oh god, thank you for clearing that up so that I may continue with my day clear headed and sure in the knowledge that you, some dipshit, isn’t looking forward to a movie. Sweet, solace. Here at last. Praise be.

The fact that the show claims to have a writing staff kills me. How many writers do you need to play charades and lip synch to some shitty song? It’s the death of comedy.

I thought we were over the “Hey remember that, I don’t have anything funny to say about it, just....remember?!?!” style of jokes. Also, why does anyone under 65 give a shit about Jimmy Fallon?

Yet you still stop to read about them and take the time to let everyone know you don’t know what they are. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.

No room for Dawes meme. Must sell shavers.

hmm, did you see that she just turned herself in on a drug warrant? Did my imagining her drug problem cause that? Oh god, what power have thee given me!

Nice straw man. My point was that she had nothing to say when she was getting a settlement and still working in hollywood with a marketable face. Now that she can’t get an acting gig or anyone to recognize her under all of that collagen, it’s time to start a revolution! Mainly of her bank account.

If this isn’t the best case example for existentialism, I don’t know what is.

It’s the old “I can’t actually present a coherent rebuttal to your point and I’m too emotional to see how bad I’m making myself look, so I’m going to freak the fuck out and ruin any chance I had at sounding like I know what I’m talking about.” tactic. Classic unstable person in an argument move.

You sound upset. Maybe if you calmed the fuck down and approached this like an adult, you might be able to convey your point in a coherent way. At this point you just come off as a crazy person.

You are right in that it’s not the victims job to take the predator down. It’s also not their job to decide years later to take them down, after the money you took to keep quiet ran out, and desperately try to turn it all into a second wind for your failing career. A reality show and a book deal sure do make things

“Be uncomfortable, be brave, take cash for keeping your mouth shut about sexual abuse, let others then be abused because of your silence and affection for money, take credit for a movement after jumping on the bandwagon and pretending you weren’t silent for years to fatten your bank account, get dime store plastic