
This site is such a shit stain on the underwear of the internet.

Unlike you, I had no idea what this even was until I read this article. Nice try though.

Sometimes it’s ok to not try to be funny, and let someone else have a laugh. You should look into that.

Well, that’s all just fucking pathetic. I quit. This whole existence thing is straight up bullshit, isn’t it?

So should we keep asking how their day was? Pick a side.

Or maybe you can ask them how their day was, because you are genuinely interested in their life and experiences while teaching them that interaction with others and being open and honest with their parents is healthy and beneficial to a well-adjusted social and family life.

Oh, look. It’s you again. I’d be inspired by your tenacity if it weren’t so sad.

Yet here you are with me. Let’s toast to your lack of self-awareness!

The proper way to “go for what’s hers” is to rely on your talent and hard work to drive your fan base and therefore make it impossible to get lowballed. There’s a reason all of the other comedians listed got more than she did: they are far more popular. But these days it’s not about that if you can whine and bitch and

Oatmeal is for nerds.

Oatmeal is for nerds.



Too bad the clothes suck.

Too bad the clothes suck.

I have this. It sucks.

I have this. It sucks.

Oopsy, I seem to have insulted your reason for living. Sorry, buddy. You can go back to reading about gym towels for $10. Hurry, it’s a limited time offer!

Can we just keep this about Rampart?

What real news site do your parents pretend you work for when they talk to their friends? You know, to save the embarrassment of telling people your son hocks credit cards under the guise of journalism.

What real news site do your parents pretend you work for when they talk to their friends? You know, to save the

Yeah, you’re right, let’s give up on this whole “basic standards for journalism” thing. Ooooh, look! Another Kinja ad for %15 off a bluetooth speaker! Also, bite me Nancy.

So anyone who has had a consensual adult relationship, without the knowledge of their pledged partner, is no better than a pedophile? Ok, got it, you’re an idiot. Noted.

reognitions is virtue signalling again? Wow, surprise.

The word is “contestant”.