
@DarthSnuggles: the thing is, the government should be transparent in it's lack of transparency. The legislation should address which kind of information deserves the be secret, under which circumstances, and for how long, instead of simply being able to sweep every uncomfortable subject under the carpet, as this

@DarthSnuggles: "Chinese hacking Google? No surprise. Bugs in the U.N. No surprise. Saudis being like "Yea, Iran scares the crap out of us"? No surprise. "

@Joseph Shaul: I'm pretty sure that power is the peak production, not the average one. And the thing shown in the picture outputs 1.56mW max.

@YummyCyanide: this one definitively deserves full caps, man.

@PR-0927: thing is, toshiba and sony are the apple of windows notebooks: worst bang for the buck, but less overall nonsense. Their systems are more polished.

Needs a piece of burning coal in the chest.

600W? Seriously, what the f***? One step further and origin laptops will need combustion engines.

@DingoJunior: which brings us to my original point: why offering a range of feature options is good, if you can produce every single processor with maximum power by the same cost? If there was competition, that is what would make more sense, since offering a better product to the customer would guarantee a bigger

@DingoJunior: Isn't the fact that you can "unlock" processors enough proof that there is no difference in the manufacturing cost of an locked and an unlocked processor?

How exactly security is supposed to work at hardware level without limiting what you can do with your computer? Security is a matter of not letting holes in the OS.

@jinchoung: "the equivalent (and TREMENDOUSLY unequal and flawed) analogy would be that in order to create a simulation of a realistic car, we have to account for every bolt and weld."

@jackmon: It saddens me, but this is completely justified. I've seen videos of it's interface, and it sucks. Apple would never screw up that way.

@dcdttu: lemme guess... cracked?

Cross post this on Jezebel, please. I wanna see the world burn.

@QuarterToTomorrow: it doesn't even make sense, but... to the hell with it. Please, god, let it be courier.