François Lafrenière

Ding and Dong were the stage characters of a very popular comedian duo. The movie's a cult classic, but the general public has largely forgotten it, mainly because the TV adaption of another set of the duo's characters (La Petite vie) was an even greater success.

So Lucas was in it for digital; CGI, initially, then the cameras as well. That was half the reason he went back to Star Wars. The other half was to make something that hewed closer to his original conceptions of a space opera, which digital enabled. In 2013, Dark Horse Comics published "The Star Wars", based on the

I'm a regular at Marché Jean-Talon. I go Sunday mornings (please don't steal my apartment). I never even go the grocery store anymore and I've built great relationships with a lot of the merchants (I bet that giant zucchini came from Birri). It's one of the largest public markets in North America and it has a very

It brings a tear to my eye every time. In fact, at first I thought the "departure" from the title was the cat's death and not just having left the house. Although I guess it works both ways.

Nice catch on the sound effects. I feel somewhat guilty because I didn't even notice them and sound editing is my trade. I pull this kind of stuff all the time, even in dramas.

This is kind of disappointing news, since one of the particularities that made Evil Dead stand out from the other horror movies of its time was that it didn't feature a female protagonist, or "final girl" as the theory goes.

The fact is that it's the original 1977 version of Star Wars, warts and all, that was the revolution in filmmaking and special effects of its time. And today it's all but impossible to actually obtain that version in a current format. It was included as a DVD extra a while back, but that was a limited edition and the

I have more experience with Oblivion than I do with Fallout, even though it's from watching other people play rather than actually playing myself. Either way, I think it's safe to say that the Legend of Zelda doesn't feel like an RPG. It doesn't feel like a sandbox game either, although it ostensibly is. It's much

Muddled core concept
If there ever was a video game series that needed to "return to its roots", The Legend of Zelda is definitely it. Except for the dungeons, the game's world is one large, unbroken place. The levels are numbered, and you need certain items to accomplish certain tasks and move forward, but otherwise

The girl with the glasses is actually nominated for a Best Supporting Actress Genie award!

How Phantom Hourglass killed Zelda for me
I bought the Wii in its first weeks of release, but I didn't get Twilight Princess, much to the amazement of the store clerk. I eventually rented it, and it was everything I expected it to be; a GameCube game in design and spirit, and an exact duplicate of the Ocarina of Time

c) special features aren't all that special

The funeral and limousine scenes stunk of repurposing. Some funky lines seemed more like replaced dialogue. It wouldn't surprise me if the Suspect Zero storyline was modified to include Monhagan's character in extremis.

Love it or hate it, but the new wave of ultra-indies that has been appearing at SXSW and Sundance in the last few years were sometimes made with even less money then what Paramount is offering here. Not all of them are gems and even less are actually marketable (at least compared to Paranormal Activity),

Giant robots punching each other
A lot of people talk about the Transformers movies and mention it's all about "giant robots punching each other". But my impression of the movies is that there's actually very little of that going around, even in about 5 hours worth of movie.

Isn't Green Zone the next Bourne movie?
You're gonna hear that a lot come next March.

I know it got a lot of flak and pretty much sunk the band, but "Wood/Water" is my favorite album I own. It's also the only Promise Ring album I own, so make of that what you will.

Really? I thought "Fracture" was the best kind of standalone episode. Even if it wasn't much, it had something to do with the larger story; it cast doubts about the allegiance of the Observer and it showed that forces other than the Fringe team and Massive Dynamic were aware of the inter-dimensional freakiness going