Francis Parsons

Nobody cares.

Same, man. Seriously. You put it very well.

I'm 46. So sadly old. Old, old, old.

Kenneth Branagh, a murderer?

Yeah, that's not so good. I generally give famous drunk people a pass (because if my every utterance was widely recorded I'd be reviled as just about everything you can name), but not apologizing or explaining since getting sober isn't a good sign.

Good lord. There really is no downside for the vast population of olds with no family.

I haven't seen those comments. Last time I asked for an example of Clapton's racism (on this site), I was pointed toward an interview in which he made some statements that most liberals would disagree with vis-a-vis immigration to England. It didn't seem racist to me, just not particularly PC. Where's the

Excellent questions all.

That's certainly true.

Excellent questions all.

Either one.

I'm of the apparently very minority view that wanting closed borders does NOT make you a racist (I think some of what I have read about Eric Clapton's similar comments don't seem egregious), but it seems as if this Danzig fellow is a chowderhead.

No! No, it isn't great!!

Yes, yes, this is all well and good, but this article doesn't give me any information on the stories that speak to me, like when a pleading and bloodied Sean Hannity will be beaten to death with the rotting corpse of Roger Ailes.

You and Mike go way back, as is obvious from your use of his nickname, so I'll defer to your obvious greater understanding of the individual.

No, he's actually doing the opposite. He's giving O'Brien the benefit of the doubt and asking the plaintiff to prove a positive — that O'Brien saw and discussed his Twitter feed.

You seem to know more than I do on the subject, but I'll still be impressed if anyone ever tells me they turned $35K into a million.

That is absurd. A movie isn't going to get Trump impeached, especially one by a leftist propagandist, even one as popular and intelligent as Moore.

If they write similar jokes, the stealing accusation is a hoax.

Sure, but it still takes a lot of work and know-how to turn $35K into a million+. Not that the guy isn't an asshole hypocrite, but — given the fact above at face value — it's not like he started with Donald Trump levels of wealth/entitlement.