Francis Parsons

I hope the remake will be as stupid, juvenile, and poorly-thought-out as the original was!

Yes. His skin is permanently white. Destructive Recovery's comment is null and void.

This is the stupidest Joker who ever joked

Gerald Fahord, dead today at the hage of eighty-fahour.

This exchange is exactly why people make the kinds of posts you complain (ad nauseam) about. It's a vicious circle. A vicious, boring circle.

This is hilarious because every pop culture British magazine and newspaper changes American expressions to British ones in interviews.

I am certainly not motivated by any of those things. I find the idea that you think literally everyone is to be both alien and troubling. I am motivated by trying to make my loved ones happy, having an insignificant impact on the environment, and being satisfied in my work.

If you felt strongly about it, you would have called up Putin and get him to change his mind. Clearly, you are unconcerned with the suffering of the Ukrainians. Therefore, no National for you.

TMBG is absolutely nothing to do with nostalgia. At all. That couldn't be more far-off.

I see you being down on yourself on these pages and I wish you would stop. I am a 5'4" guy. I have back hair. I am balding. And I have a wonderful, beautiful, educated, loving girlfriend. You can get out there and find someone, but you need to realize that very few people think you are as hideous as you think you

"Iron & Wine short film" is the first line in the most boring Haiku of all time.

But almost constantly it’s someone who’s bio says, ‘Proud father of two!’

"Maybe he’s actually planning Rat Trap, a movie where Justin Long plays a realtor who’s lured to a house by an eccentric, disgraced exterminator played by Johnny Depp, who surgically transforms him into a rat for the purpose of chasing him around an elaborate maze."

Am I the only one who thinks Carmen looks like a young alien female David Bowie in that picture?

Can't listen to music, working.

Their names were Tony and Joe. Not Luigi, dammit.

I don't hear it.

AVC: What job did you have before applying at Jeopardy!?

Their cracking up at the end is awesome.

That's the spirit.