Francis Lavoie

Did anyone else notice the carriage drifting when they left? That looked so badass.

Fuck Bellamy. Zero tears will be shed if he gets offed. Him joining up with Pike made him entirely unredeemable.

Pike is entirely unredeemable in my eyes. His whole "but they might kill us in our sleep" argument for attacking the grounders is so ridiculously paranoid. When they went through with that bit of storyline earlier this season, I was extremely close to just giving up on the series because that idea disgusts me so much.

I think the opposite, the characters in Daredevil are much more interesting, and I think Night Nurse is the best character on the show. Diggle bores the shit out of me, Oliver is constantly condescending to everyone, Felicity feels like her brain is constantly devolving every episode, she keeps getting dumber and

Arrow has some awful cookie cutter action, not fun at all. It also has some of the clingiest characters on TV. There's way too much shitty relationship bullshit… Olicity was extremely poorly handled. The only fun episodes are the crossover ones when Barry Allen shows up. It tries way too hard to be "dark" (there's

Meanwhile, Arrow gets an A-.

Yeah, I agree. It was a very Star Trek: TNG kind of episode. I liked it for that.