
Which is doubly concerning given that America didn’t even win in MLS.

Man, that’s a rough list to begin with. Let’s Remember Some Bad QBs.

That a crime against nature. A veritable murderer’s row of mediocrity.

Carroll: This sure looks like an inside job.

Wow. Has it really been 9 months since something from Georgia has imploded so quickly and in such spectacular fashion?

I wouldn’t be surprised if he passes on turkey pardoning. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he signed death warrants for any still-living turkeys pardoned by Obama. My capability for surprise has waned almost completely.

Can we just move on from this and get to more pressing matters? Such as, what will Trump do if the family members of the turkey he pardons this week don’t pay him enough respect afterwards?

Should Gronk be threatened by this? I want to say there’s room for two here.

He’ll be joining the police force within 5 years.

If I could figure out how to be compensated for ignoring Wisconsin, that would be even better. Scott Walker is the person who has come the closest to ever accomplishing this.

I prefer to ignore Wisconsin at a blistering pace.

The Bowling Green Massacre.

My first thought was that W looked a little like crab legs.

It’s just not the same without LeVar Burton. 

I was at a Division III game a couple of weeks ago and one team intercepted in the end zone and took it all the way for a touchdown. The opponents then blocked the PAT and took it all the way for 2 points (meaning the touchdown was only worth 4 points net).

He must have double vision something fierce. Everyone knows you eat at the Y.

“We’re going to keep winning and make it all the way safely into the playoffs, just like the Donner Party”

That was an air-filled object crashing to the ground, not one sailing over an open receiver’s head by 10 yards, he won’t get the reference.

Can reporters only ask him Titanic themed questions from now on? I want to see how long this can go on before he finds out what happened to it.