"Guilty Until Proven Innocent" does kinda have a nice ring to it...
"Guilty Until Proven Innocent" does kinda have a nice ring to it...
Luckily for Korra, there isn't much of anything left to kick...
If they end up charging between $30-$40 for the season pass, it would easily end up being a better value than a full priced retail game.
I actually think it's an interesting model; I have SSF4AE and I only use about 6 characters, so depending of the cost of each character, it makes a lot of sense.
To be fair, it's only been about a month since the announcement. That's pretty short for such a drastic policy change that they probably spent years working on.
I've been seeing a lot of Xbox One rape comparisons...Now I've never been raped, but something tells me it's much worse than having to utilize a service that's already available to you on a nearly daily basis.
The mouthpiece piece swivels, so you can use whichever ear you prefer. Very obvious that you've never used a 360 headset.
For some reason we like to forget that socially awkward people exist, and that often in our industry, these people are put on stage in front of millions of people. Sometimes these people say some stupid shit.
Welcome to the gaming community, where final judgements are made within the first 2 minutes of gameplay.
I'll agree that the third parties had the most exciting showings though, given that MGS5, FF XV, KH3 are all going to be multiplatform. However coolest exclusives for me from either side were Infamous 3 and Titanfall.
Only 5 of the games were previously announced (Including Halo). And there were even fewer brand new game announcements at the sony conference.
...Did you even watch the press conferences?
Here's a complete list of the new exclusives they announced
Forza 5
Project Spark
Dead Rising 3
Kinect Sports Rush
New Halo
Crimson Dragon
Killer Instinct
Quantum Break
Sunset Overdrive
Black Tusk's Project
The point I'm trying to make here is that it's ridiculous for you to insinuate that…
Sony talked about TV more in their conference, actually. And there were several new IPs. Why wouldn't they talk about cloud technology?
He expresses his favor of Microsoft and he's automatically an "MS employee".
Your logic does not compute.
They had a conference with nothing but games and you don't think they're focusing on games this E3?
That's actually the next step in the evolution of gaming, period. Cloud gaming. This is what companies are pushing for nowadays. This partially explains Microsoft's 300,00 servers.
Why does this gif make me laugh so hard????
Hahaahahaaa! @1:07.
Excuse me while I make this into a gif.
"Personally I'm anti-stupidity"
You mean like Burger King's Japan only Windows 7 Burger?