It does when you make $20m per year
It does when you make $20m per year
No need to get hysterical.
Looks toward window at subway pass
Neutral: i dont care about resale value or gas mileage for that matter (unless mpg is waaay lower for comparable cars)
Get out
Speaking of enabling, you guys should go after Jezebel. They caterwauled nonstop about Louis CK (rightfully) but nothing on Aziz Ansari’s horrific date night behavior. I know hes done that with more than one woman too.
How about you guys establish an article on Aziz Ansari being a sex pervert?
Right. Still no article.
Allow them to continue using oranges.
Meaning brown and muslim both appear to be higher than “woman” on the feminist heirarchy of oppressed groups.
Since hes a brown muslim i doubt youre going to see an article on him here
I think theyre in cahoots because ours are a block apart! I think im going to get some tonight now that weve talked about it
Its pretty obvious that trump is a racist.
You type in what you want and it tells you and aisle and location. Store employees arent personal shoppers. 1 lowes robot replaces 6 employes. Its shockingly slick. We have one in our local store and there are still employees working, but the less busier depts are empty. Many of the employees have been moved to night…
We’ll get kfc and order a side of just gravy, then go get fries from Wendys next door. Best gravy fries ever.
Have a bunch of names been removed? Theres only 74 names on the list and the majority are bloggers.
Margaret Sanger would be proud
To be fair a kfc in a library sounds awesome
Looks like their buttholes will be livin la vida loca
This is good so Ash can now fund the other medical necessities of being trans. 150k after legal fees goes a long way.