
That "chicken" was the Sankofa bird, symbolizing "look backward to move forward." It draws on the powerful symbology of the slave trade and African diaspora, firmly grounding the historical authenticity of the show as well as developing Hardy's character. Laughing was the furthest thing from my mind in that scene.

Traveling scenes? I honestly have no idea what show you were watching.

This review unintentionally hits on the aspect of television that I absolutely loathe above all else: the expectation of single serving episodes. I cannot possibly understate my loathing for the typical television format. I hate it, always have. Shows that introduce characters and instantly resolve plotlines make

Yesterday there were some rumblings on the internets that Hardy's production company lost about $3mil making the show. I wonder if this is related in any way?

That was the one line that made me not hate Ayer anymore.

Not here but I have on other sites that use Disqus.

Ah, I didn't realize Peter was literally Seth's mouthpiece in that scene. lol Interesting.

I always thought the Family Guy joke was on Peter, that he thinks any movie with depth or theatricality is pretentious. *shrug*

This was my impression as well, of It representing sexual abuse. People really don't comprehend just how much it haunts your entire life, both physically and emotionally. The trauma is part of you, and you can literally never escape, but not a single other person around you can see it, or would even care even if they

I can't help but shake my head at the irony of all these folks who supply "logical" solutions which are completely illogical in context.

This may be the best Disqus comment I've ever read.

That was one of my favorite scenes as well. That conversation for me took the whole theme of "fear the unknown" in a totally different direction.