
As someone who has worked in foodservice, having a coke problem is practically a prerequisite for being a chef.

A few years from now they'll be selling the movie rights to their story ala Wolf of Wall St. Golden parachtes away.

Wow I thought my workday sucked.

Considering that Fyre Media was a startup built around an actual product before this shitshow of a festival, I don't think it was an unreasonable expectation, especially in the tech industry.


25% shorter and 25% improved I say :D

Any thoughts on what these better review sites are? I am asking everyone here, because I really want to know.

Hurray for your blog!! :D

Speaking for myself, I'm not looking for someone else's opinion. I seek out reviews to better understand the material, to enlighten myself on themes, the dialogue, the techniques of story telling, maybe some of the historical background of the show. A reviewer's personal opinion of the show shouldn't impact any of

I would read your blog!! I have enjoyed your posts here far more than anything published at AV club, not just these nauseating Taboo reviews. Just your comments here are more insightful than literally any published review of this show that I have read anywhere else on the internet. I guess what I'm trying to say is

"Does a network this powerful *really* have no better covert source of gunpowder?"

Thanks for the rec. I was never all that enthralled with Wuthering Heights, but I am definitely on a "period batshit" Hardy kick. lol I will check it out.

Great point. I think most people interpreted that line as something supernatural, as in physically undead, rather than the emotional/spiritual way of being dead which is far more significant.

Thank you! I haven't seen a single review point out this fact, that Thorne's second started running *before* James shot him. By a wide margin. If James didn't know before, the second completely blew it and gave himself away (which also speaks to the caliber of men the EIC has in a comedic, over the top way).

Absolutely there is! Taboo has more depth and nuance than any other show I've seen in a long time. And that is *why* the more gonzo elements of the show work so well, because it is anchored in very real characters with basic yet powerful motivations. People can make fun of Tom Hardy for grunting instead of speaking

I think the key to reading Emily Stephens' reviews of Taboo is projection. She is not reviewing Taboo so much as she is documenting her own reaction to the show. Let me try to parse this out.

"Camp" does imply a level of self awareness, does it not?

I wonder if our hapless reviewer has been reading comments here and feels the need to justify herself.

All of the above, as well as James Delaney's personal vendetta against the EIC. Any excuse to screw them will be utilized to its fullest extent.

Emily Stephens has a rather vexing habit of ignoring dialogue. I am almost convinced she watches Taboo on mute.