Francie Nolan

Mr President: there was a time in this country we didn’t question the brave fellow citizens committing righteous violent attacks on Nazis and their sympathizers who opposed all we hold sacred; we call them WWII veterans. Stop desecrating their graves.

How about Frederick Douglas? I hear he’s done an amazing job and is being recognized more and more...

And there’s gambling in Casablanca!

Does anyone have a mailing address so we can send her some bootstraps?

“There were some...very high-profile people who are supposedly pro-life, who knew me and heard about what happened, and who didn’t reach out,” she said. “I thought it was very telling … You see these people saying, ‘Oh, we should reach out to women with unexpected pregnancies and let them know they’re not alone’—and

As always,

It’s difficult to impossible for women who daily suffer the slings and arrows of this administration, party and their troglodyte supporters to muster up one iota of sympathy for another woman who is actively working against our (and HER) best interests. I know how I feel about her. She’s an idiot Deplorable.

Totally agreed. The short, round, to-go baggie of mayonnaise looks 100% emasculated in this photo (and probably irl). As a blonde, blue-eyed woman of breeding age, I can say that if they want to keep their precious, cholesterol-filled blood “pure,” then maybe they should focus on being more physically attractive as

I feel she’s a traitorous twat and she can die in a fire. I don’t really care how anyone else feels about her. The word “should” never enters into it.

I’m going with gleeful.

Pull down those traitorous statues and destroy them in every city that has them. Same goes for that fucking flag.

Bringing a weapon to that party with the intent to shoot it makes you a mass murderer. Even white supremacists are still a long way from the psychopathy of indiscriminate killing.

They’re so into white power they don’t even try to get a base tan.

That’s actually not true; the people who voted for the demented lunatic are the biggest reason he got elected.

I’m impressed at how well they reattached Trump’s arm after all the twisting that must have been necessary to get him to do this.

“This country has no place for racism or hate. Now let me tell you how great this Mexican-hating sheriff is.”

Maybe both the most cynical and the most comical of the whole thing is this:

you gotta hand it to these guys. and by it, i mean a live grenade.

honey they don’t have to be members of any anti-fascist organization. they just have to be human beings who are tired of the racists. i know i am.

...floating in a jar of formaldehyde.