Set the controls for the heart of the Sun

With a significantly long timeline Africa could become an economic powerhouse. With a similar relationship between a rising South America and Africa as the last century has seen between the US and Asia.

When the US is bankrupt and China comes to collect, who is to say they don't want their interest in arms/arms technology? You make a lot of assumptions, the main one being that you have to have a large military force to be dominant. I am not so sure about that. A navy is only necessary if you are planning on attacking

Well it was you who answered murdermonkey9000 with an example from the French revolution when he was talking about Planned Parenthood - an organisation in the present.

You might want to rethink the whole "atrocities from the annals of history" move when defending Christianity... Let's see some examples of modern American atheists who have killed people for their beliefs. There are plenty of examples of Christians doing it.

What a ridiculous video. That was about as cool as a christian recruitment video. It was cheesetastic though.

So when do we get the live action version? I want sound, movement and even smell! Jeebus that would be awesome. A constantly accessible tour of the Amazon. Next step? Live feed.

Yeah. If there's anything the last couple of years have taught us, it's that deregulation is the way to go!

Awww. I love that man.

Point taken: Europe ≠ USA. But I would still prefer to be in the Smart than a VW Rabbit or another older small car. Do I think huge SUVs should be phased out? Yes. We do fine in Europe without them and we also need to transport a lot of people and stuff. I know it's a lifestyle thing, but I think rising gas prices

Aha I see. So it is impossible to extrapolate ANY knowledge about something which has not been observed in it's entirety? By that rationale you could dispute evolution, tectonic movement and geological age. Oh wait. You are probably a creationist too so I guess you would question those truths as well.

So we should listen to a theatre musician instead of a climatologist? Right. Glad you cleared that up. Do you have any other advice you would like to pull out of your ass?

I don't know why so many on here have a hard time believing that this is a girl. Why would a four year old boy be any braver? Well here is the description from the actual video:

It is a girl. Look up the video on Youtube. It is in the description. Is it really so hard to believe that this could be a girl??


Now playing

A high speed full frontal crash with a large truck is rarely survivable - the g-forces involved will mangle your internal organs. And the size of your car is simply not relevant if it doesn't have proper crumple zones or a rigid passenger cage. I would much rather crash in my high tech small car with seven air bags,

That looks like an accident that would destroy most cars. Small cars don't necessarily means less safe. Just like large cars aren't necessarily safer.

Yes! Wonderful comment. One could posit though that we are only first evolving the ability, just like no other species has ever evolved such a complex brain. But it is incredibly unlikely that this is the case.

That is staggeringly stupid. And incredibly sad. A nation's greatness is truly measured by how it treats its weakest members. And America you are scraping the bottom here.

That is probably the most awesome idea ever. I am worried about the aerodynamics of it though. I think a big petrol driven R/C helicopter would be better. But I agree it won't give the dogs the speed of a true WW1 dogfight.