Set the controls for the heart of the Sun

Here is a panoramic photo.

Of all the fort cities I've seen. Jaisalmer in Rajasthan captured my imagination the best.

Happy Feet 2? I hope that was a weird attempt at irony!

I was listening to Björk's "Homogenic" album when I stumbled on this video. *Shivers* Now I can't stop thinking about the android in The Windup Girl combined with the Chris Cunningham video of All is full of love. That is some very nice CG work there - in real time none the less.

Dave Chapelle needs to come back to us. I miss him dearly!

I just checked Rdio again. And it seems they're now available in my country. But the library is very limited it seems. Maybe it's just the free version. Can anybody in Scandinavia confirm or deny library/rights issues with Rdio? I can't play most new albums. If the full access one allows full access in my country -

I just checked again. It IS $200 a year in Denmark - taxes ups the price... That's the price you pay to live in a socialist paradise! :)

Rdio has it's library limitations as well. But the main reason I don't use Rdio is that it isn't available in my country yet. They also stream in extremely varied quality - at least that is what I've gathered from my free access. And finally Rdio isn't supported by Squeezebox as far as I know...

I was converting to USD in my head. I realise it is actually less for premium access. I pay on a monthly basis though. But $120 is even better!

Library limitations are a pain - but I don't really run into it very often. And you can always add your own tracks to Spotify. Large artists also avoided iTunes at first - I'm hoping this will change with Spotify as well.

"Seems to me that Robinson thinks art is science, or that it's a tool of science. She gets a lot backward in this." She? Kim Stanley Robinson is male...

1) I agree completely about the mobile app. It works, but that's about the limit of what it can do.

I am a little dumbfounded as to why so many people don't like Spotify. I know the service isn't perfect. Of course not. The mobile app is sketchy at best and the Facebook tie in is annoying for some.


That's a COTD right there. If only the comment could travel back in time.

I wasn't asking for your credentials. I gave you some advice about how to respond to people. You missed the point. Oh well. Good luck with the movie business.

Tru. But I still kind of like it.

You might be able to handle the heat, but you'll still end up looking like a either a jerk or someone who doesn't know or understand filmmaking. It's fine to have an opinion, but you can easily come off as a troll when you slam something that is critically acclaimed – without serious arguments, backed up with

Or that could just be the style? You didn't like it - fair enough. But it's risky criticising an acclaimed movie on technicalities. The fact that you fell asleep while watching it, doesn't help your case. There are no movies boring enough to make you fall asleep. I would leave that part out in future "reviews".