I believe that should be "How the hell did we grow so much in so little time?"
I believe that should be "How the hell did we grow so much in so little time?"
Don't worry - nothing happens if you offend somebody!
I instantly thought of Another World. But then again - they aren't really similar.
It would normally LMGTFY, but I was on the site: [trailers.apple.com]
It's almost here: [en.wikipedia.org]
Electricity doesn't necessarily come from coal though. And it is certainly much more efficient - and cleaner - to produce electrical power centrally - than to burn fuel in an internal combustion engine.
50 km above the surface of Venus the temperature is between 0 and 50 degrees Celsius. Because the atmosphere of Venus is comprised mostly of the relatively heavy CO2, Oxygen and Nitrogen would work as a lifting gas - and still be able to sustain life.
It's not a giant fireball. It's a fusion reactor. And your theory that CO2 causes temperature increase is chemical nonsense.
Agreed! Enough with the warbly bass - Mr. Oizo did that fifteen years ago!
Precisely: [www.washingtonpost.com]
Damn. Not available in my country. Sounds like an awesome dog.
Well he is a very old physicist - not a climatologist. And he resigned because he felt he couldn't argue against global warming freely at that particular university. He might be right that the debate environment has become a bit tainted - but thats probably because a lot of researchers are tired of refuting stupid…
That was incredible! Make this a feature film this instant!
I just had to reply to this:
Oh and I'll just leave this here for you perusal:
You reply to JAC:
To bridge the immense gap between us seems both unattainable and futile. I will never be able to sway you from your fear of socialism and death panels, and you won't shake my belief that a for profit system of health care, will always end in misery for the patient (especially the poorest). Whatever arguments or…
I am perfectly calm. You on the other hand is spouting bullshit about my country. I have a feeling you would respond in kind, if I was doing the same for the US.
That is a fantastic motto! I will use it for my own nefarious purposes. I give you my thanks.