Set the controls for the heart of the Sun

You reply to JAC:

To bridge the immense gap between us seems both unattainable and futile. I will never be able to sway you from your fear of socialism and death panels, and you won't shake my belief that a for profit system of health care, will always end in misery for the patient (especially the poorest). Whatever arguments or

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I am perfectly calm. You on the other hand is spouting bullshit about my country. I have a feeling you would respond in kind, if I was doing the same for the US.

That is a fantastic motto! I will use it for my own nefarious purposes. I give you my thanks.

Yeah that's a bit much. Maybe Jesus is hoping we will think Max von Sydow - in a Sweden-will-act-as-diplomat-in-our-quest-to-reconcile-the-space-superpowers kind of way. Then again - maybe not.

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And the Danish system just to bring the message home.

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"And the single biggest eater of a person's income in Sweden is taxes. From Wikipedia, grabbed quickly, "The tax rates in Sweden are commonly cited as among the highest in the world."

"Another thought you won't like: denial of treatment based on heartless actuarial tables is a trademark of government health systems too. So the insurance company denying coverage is a phenomenon with a counterpart in a government system too. Except in a private system, you can carefully choose which insurer has the

You got a star for THIS? I'm losing my faith in IO9.

Hearted for being sensible.

Wow. So you expect to be taken seriously while writing in text-mode? Really? Maybe you should edumacate yourself a bit. And please stop talking like you speak for the whole world.

A lot of things cause stress. Believe me, I am not stressed. But I thank you again for your concern.


This I have no idea how to reply to. It's the stupidest thing I've read all week. Really? That's your input?

Methane release isn't the real problem. It's just a symptom of fracking. The real issue is the many hundreds of unregulated and untested chemicals used in the fracking mud. They use tons of it in every frack and don't have to clean up after themselves because they are exempt from e.g. the superfund act.

Just because the methane was biogenic, it doesn't mean it isn't caused by fracking. Fracking can easily shift gas pockets near groundwater and thereby release methane.

Berlusconi should definitely be in prison. No question about it.

I am active in changing policies in my own country. To do it for the Americans as well could be a bit much. (And my tiny old country is already so cultured that almost no nature is left. We're trying to change that.)

I'm not sure I understand your comment. But snub away.