Set the controls for the heart of the Sun

OK they got rid of the panties. Now remind me why Superman wears a cape again? Silly superhero.

Me too. I love my big old Sansui system. The Sansui AU-888 (and it's model siblings) is still the nearest you will get to a tube sound, without the tubes.

Yeah they most definitely do great cook-off at the end of the shoot!

"Whenever we’re in danger of assuming that this is just your standard fantasy, Wolfe will hint at the true origins of these creatures or objects. Yet they remain so astonishing, so laden with symbolism that none of the wonder is lost. Instead we are to re-orientate ourselves in world of ever deepening complexity. Even

On top of that - the joke makes no sense.

Aaw if that doesn't merit a star, what does?

Depends where you work I guess.

You be trollin'

Don't listen to him. It is a magnificent trilogy. It reads almost like Robinson is describing how a colonisation of Mars really HAPPENED - not how it COULD happen. But those three great books are not for the impatient. They are slow and thought through, not exciting and meaningless.

Agreed. Even morons vote apparently. The Sword of Truth series turned out to be so infantile I had to put it down after the first two books.

Yeah this list is bollocks. The Book of the New Sun as nr. 87?!! Below one sappy fantasy book after the other? What place does fantasy and light horror have on this list? Stupid list. I has sad.

That would be a lamb rack.



No it's not. It is the lack of belief.

I think you've misunderstood what sarcasm is. I can only imagine what two tours in the ME is like, but I guess it's not pretty. But to joke around with glass craters as a solution isn't funny. You could also say that the US is ruining Afghanistan. (Which btw isn't in the ME - it's part of Asia. The Bush administration

Really? That's your comment? America really is beyond all help.

Mmm yeah. That might have been the case a very long time ago. To generalise on Europeans as "Colonial" today isn't nice. Or correct.