Set the controls for the heart of the Sun

What exactly do the monkeys want with the Golden Gate bridge? I see a lot of movement, but little purpose...

Well I re-read your post and you still omitted quite a bit of info in the original...

You might want to reconsider that soon...

@Vexxarr: So let me get this straight - your palate is so fucked up that you prefer cold McDonalds that has been flown in, over local Romanian food? Because as a visitor to most of the former eastern bloc, I find it hard to believe you couldn't find palatable food there. Romanian food is a mix of a lot of great

@MyNameIsTooAwesome: Because China isn't really communist anymore? People buy stuff there too you know...

@Burke: The Chinese, Malays, Thais, Indians, Koreans...?

@aLynHall: Don't bundle Andy Kaufman in with those simpletons.

I simply commented on how memorable I thought Serenity was. I've never felt compelled to watch it again - I didn't feel like there was any substance to it at all. To each his own in that regard.

Why was Serenity even in this poll to begin with? It is about as memorable as X-files the Movie for god's sake?!

I think we generally agree. But I believe you may be underestimating the amount of R&D going into wind as we speak. A lot of the issues you raise are getting solved right now. This is just one example:

I agree that next-generation LFTR (Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor) is the only viable nuclear power source that we should be considering. But it still needs to be tested more thoroughly. That isn't happening unfortunately. Which is a shame.

I just typed an extremely long and thorough reply. And then FF crashed. I be jolly.

@Vexxarr: So that's why Denmark gets 20 % of it's power from wind? We're only 5,5 million people, but I wouldn't call Denmark sparsely populated or arid. What various reasons are you talking about?

@AimAtTheFace: But six years? Come on. NO was abandoned because nobody in Washington gives a fuck. As long as Bourbon Street is swinging who cares about the lower ninth etc.

Get Aranofsky to direct and Peter Jackson to produce!