That was effin' brilliant!!
That was effin' brilliant!!
John Candy? *sob*
Chris Foss is still colouring my dreams.
@TheAncient: Please stop responding to articles about people doing cool stuff and do some cool stuff yourself instead, thank you.
I think it's incredibly sad that America has deteriorated to a degree where you cannot leave an infant alone for two minutes without fearing it will be kidnapped or killed. Where I grew up - in Denmark - it was perfectly normal for us kids to wait in a running car when dad ran to the store or whatever. It's also…
America is descending into a downward spiral of ignorance, crime, fear and diabetes. I'm waiting patiently for Greater Canexico!
"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Bunraku Productions LLC."
Ooh snap! You talkin' heresy! :)
The tired old argument about size. China is the same size as the US (or larger depending on definition), and investing heavily in high speed rail. Why? Because it is a good idea. The reason the US won't adopt rail transportation has much less to do with the size of the nation, and much more to do with the American…
"It is not convenient because of the inherent problem with rail in this country.
@Dezerus Richardson: I guess you are attempting to be funny (maybe you are even channeling another meme altogether) - but just in case you are not: It's Milan not Mulan (Milano in Italian.)
So because it is fiction it doesn't have to be believable or plausible? That's a weird definition of fiction. I'll keep watching the Science channel, don't worry - but I would still like my SF movies to be more realistic and based on plausible ideas/plots. But if you like Bayism better then that's your prerogative.
Moon was definitely a good try at a realistic/believable SF movie. There was some gravity issues but otherwise it was excellent - and of course Sam Rockwell is always a treat.
I completely agree - and isn't it incredibly depressing how few scientifically accurate SF movies there are? I'm having a hard time naming more than a handful!
@klyph: What a nice story. I don't know why, but it put a smile on my face.
This reminds me of Italian Spiderman - in a good way! Although it was on another level of spoofiness!
@MazdaMania: Ahahahaa. "Thats the whole point of Windows. Choice." Yeah. The point of windows is choice. Sorry, but that's just funny.
@bozzomarc: Most of these - i Europe at least - were camouflaged or coverede with sand, so they remained hidden from the air - and the allied bombers. They were not built to intimidate. You don't need that when an MG-42 is firing at you. I think it would be more intimidating and practical that you never knew where…