Set the controls for the heart of the Sun

@cletar: Tycho had the observatory built underground on a hill for a variety of reasons:

@Norseness: The "multimedia" experience leaves a lot to be desired. The museum is still the most interesting thing to visit on the island. Other than the beautiful little island itself - and it's interesting history as a community ruled by a mad scientist.

@WMyers: Different variations on that story is a common myth. Another one has him dying from a ruptured bladder. But there is no evidence to suggest either. He was a veteran at the courts, there were no social niceties of that kind at the courts he frequented, and you don't get fatal urinary infections from holding it

@jonny: Apparently you don't. So maybe you should look elsewhere for your Fleshlight/bong reviews?

@austin_modern: Haha. What an incredibly clumsy trolling attempt.

@b194735: Bye. You probably won't be missed.

@Ruzz Il: Great idea. Racial profiling. Go crawl back under your rock. It's the one that reads Facebook.

I like the flywheel idea. Getting a strong Windup Girl vibe from it. It could be a general kitchen power source: Hello flywheel driven potato peeler!

@daveNYC: Yeah my thoughts exactly.

@SKiTz: Probably not. But does that make it okay to strip-search kids just because they are going on a plane?

@Zim: I think you are very alone with that. The trailers were probably made by 22 year olds drinking Mountain Dew. Michel Gondry makes movies for the thinking audience. His films aren't boring, they are quirky and cerebral perhaps. Even odd. Boring? Nah.

@NaramSuen: I think he will do alright exactly because he is such a stiff. Otherwise I find it hard to believe Michel Gondry would settle for it. Look at what he managed to do with Jack Black and Mos Def. It wasn't stellar, but it was better than I expected - acting wise that is.

@MargaretMoony: Why cheap though? Cheap wine is much more prone to going bad. The idea is neat. But I would definitely go with a wine suited for long term storing.

@m_faustus: But Madeira is a type of port, a fortified wine made especially to last a long time – for long sea-voyages. Normal wine won't last as long.

Now playing

@Ayleron: Watch the Long Way Round for the reverse attempt - except they start off and end in Scotland.

@B_Ren: Oh and the former number one supercomputer was the US Cray Jaguar XT5 - achieving the crown almost exactly a year ago. And now it has lost it again a year later.