
She’s been doing/saying weird shit for YEARS

Definitely not Dissociative Identity D/O. She knows exactly who she is and what she's doing or she wouldn't have been running around warning people not to blow her cover.

People with mental illnesses usually do not benefit from having them. That is the difference. People with mental illnesses usually have to fight and struggle to get by and achieve things despite their issues. If she is the only person to successfully translate a mental illness into a career and notoriety, then good

I’m not concerned with you excusing her behavior. I’m concerned with you propagating stigma against people with mental illnesses. You’ve drawn a line between her bad behavior and some imagined diagnosis (I’m not even sure what diagnosis you’re claiming). You’ve connected her shitty behavior with other people by

All the good work in the world doesn’t change the fact that she’s living a lie and has a fucked up past full of weirdness and possibly committing crimes and suing a university because she is white.

Bizarre behavior doesn’t necessarily mean there’s something wrong with their head, it could just as easily mean they’re a shitty person. I think it’s the latter in this case.

She could have been doing good work as a white woman instead of dressing up in blackface.

She was? When? Plagiarizing her art? Using positions of power that otherwise might go to actual black people with actual experience in this country? Suing black universities for discriminating against her because she’s white?

Like I said above, they didn’t start the international media circus. They certainly seem happy enough to participate in it, but the story broke because she faked a hate crime against herself, and a reporter contacted her parents while looking into that story. It became a media circus because of her batshit insane

It’s possible she was abused as a child. But not everyone who experiences childhood trauma develops a disorder, just like not everyone who does weird terrible shit has a diagnosable mental illness. We don’t know the first thing about this woman outside of the terrible shit she’s done and some weird cherry-picked

Rachel, sweetheart: you’re self-absorbed, you’re in love with the sound of your own voice, you steal things from black people and claim them as your own, and you tell black people what to think. I’d say QUITE A FEW things about being white describe who you are PERFECTLY. Shit, you sued Howard for reverse racism, which

If you do good work while in blackface, is it still good work?

They didn’t. The media approached them, after the police started looking into a fake hate crime report she filed. If she’d been content with merely pretending to be black (and pretending that she lived in South Africa, and that a friend was her father, and that her brother was her son, and that she lived in a teepee

No, don’t do that. Sometimes people act bizarrely, and sometimes people do things we don’t understand, and sometimes people do terrible, terrible things. That does not mean that they are mentally ill. It is possible that they carry some diagnosable disorder, but to say that she must be (to even go so far as to suggest

Shit happens when you forget to call.

oooohmygod i’m fangrilling so hard right now (your tumblr gives me life btw). ok ok, i can be chill, i’ll tell all the others to not do this.

Nothing wrong with it, but sometimes there can be lots of racist fuckery that goes on with white people adopt kids not from the same racial/national background.

She sure seemed comfy with all that money lecturing and making appearances to talk about experiences she plagiarized from others who actually lived them.

This piece was an eye opener. It’s basically a list of all the known times that she has claimed to be a victim because of whatever race she said she was at the time.