Am I the only one who has problems with Katy Perry/Zooey Deschanel?
Am I the only one who has problems with Katy Perry/Zooey Deschanel?
I get these two confused sometimes
I’m all about forgiving people for things they did when they were young and stupid and I generally accept, IMO, that young and stupid lasts until at least 21. (I’ll give you young until you’re 25, but at some point you have to stop acting like an idiot.)
“As a young person”? What, does she age like dogs? Is she 38 now but was 24 a few months ago?
If a Vegan does crossfit, what do they rush to tell you about first?
It used to be so easy to make racist/sexist jokes without impunity!
9 times out of 10 it’s straight white men who complain about political correctness. They hate that they live in a world where they can no longer make disparaging comments about people that are not like them without repercussion. They want the freedom to disrespect others but of course we have to respect them because…
Shorter version of what he said: “people aren’t allowed to say whatever they want without being called out for their b.s. anymore.”
Right above the comment section on her site, Sulkowicz writes:
This. A Facebook friend from high school was posting things about how wonderful they are and how this was just people out to get them. "Josh was a child, he didn’t know better." Seriously? And you have children? I called her on it and we fought. And now we are no longer friends, which is not necessarily a bad thing.
Jim Bob is asking Jesus for advice right now, and Jesus is all
to his credit, George Jason Alexander posted this on twitter
I saw a preview for this the other day and was surprised to find myself thinking, “Wait, I think I might actually kind of want to check that out.” I love Constance Zimmer, and I have way too much time on my hands, so I will probably watch the premiere at least.
I love her look! This whole story is so inspirational and educational to me. For so long I was confused by transgender people and their motivation to change. I just didn’t get it. But since his coming out I’ve been reading more and just absorbing the knowledge and issues transgender people face. In a way her story…
“Equity” Residential.
Aw, Calvin Harris took his girlfriend (Taylor Swift) and her son (Ed Sheeran) out to lunch.
I fucking love songs about safe sex. Seriously.
The. Best.
1) Suck in stomach while wearing a bikini at a public beach
Yeah, things like global warming denial, KKK apologism, and whatever "God used the 'Trail of Tears' to bring many Indians to Christ" is are just a "different" worldview, not a wrong and harmful one.