“But fresh blood is always good!”
“But fresh blood is always good!”
You are not responding to the person who wrote that.
Right? Right.
Aka The Long Night at Wrong Beach. “Three more songs, asshole, and then I’m gonna kill you.”
For the record, the track Hotel California” is not on that greatest hits of 1971-1975 as it was released in 1976.
Hi, I ordered a wet blanket. Did it arrive?
Ah, you taught me a thing!
Came to the comments to say exactly this. Been there twice (2012 and 2017), stayed with a friend who lives on Decatur both times, and saw how the crust population and their dogs have increased.
I find this very easy to believe. Have you worked in film?
More on that? I either can’t remember or missed it the first time around.
Good one!
A counterpoint worth considering:
They aren’t sorry. They got the attention they wanted from us.
I could see that, as it would fit well with their Marx Brothers vibe.
I remember this! Such incorrigible youths. I wonder where they are now.
From that Pop-Up Video show, I learned they needed to film an extra day of the dance scenes just to get Alex to be as bad as he is here. So he’s even worse than this without the extra help.
“You should have an inexpensive phone suction-cup tape recorder and you should on occasion use it. When? When you are talking to someone you don’t trust, and who you believe will later turn on you or will conveniently forget.”
- Roy Cohn
Source: https://www.nytimes.com/1981/09/06/books/roy-cohn-on-the-law.html
I’m a carnivore, and am compelled by the idea that, if the animal could choose between life and being killed to be eaten, it would choose life.
Same. But I don’t see it acting as a deterrent for an attack of this nature. Plus it costs more to put someone to death, etc. and so on.
Lovely! I did not know they were labeled as such.