Francesco Di Maggio

@Zak123: me too. exactly the same bug... has anyone found a solution?

Hi, do not know if is just me, but when I click photos the page kind of hangs. If I click reload I am able to see the photos. I have tested with IE and Firefox on Windows XP and Safari on Mac... also can it start directly from photos or twitter, instead of about?

While the possibility to share new files (take photos etc.) is cool, the sensation I have using the Android apps is the same I have when I use Evernote on my Hero. Sort of reduced version of the iPhone counterpart, e.g. in both program you cannot have offline favorites. It looks like that Dropbox and Evernote want to

Thanks for the article. But what about programming a standalone application for the desktop?

I saw the video demostration of Walfram.. and looked pretty cool.. but now that I have tried it, looks like all my queries do not have much success...uhm.. to be honest I do not think this is the antigoogle...

So let's move on Deezer..

I know is not super correct (will not work if you have directory with extensions, which does not happen very often), but on DOS I used to:

THe only reason why I do not use Google Docs a lot is that I can't simply copy and paste of images. I do a lot of screenshots in my work (yes crappy IT job) and google docs (or zoho) would be enough for most of my tasks.

@Colage: Well 10.000 is not that much if you consider the number of visitors lifehacker gets.. plus the audience is pretty techie.. so I think is more or less correct number. I do not think this poll was meant to be a super accurate research.