
The problem is, by saying you only feel sympathy for their children and not for these women stuck doing something they regretted, you're ensuring that women will continue to feel ashamed for having these feelings and they won't speak about this frankly to people close to them or anyone else, and will keep these

"I can understand feeling rebuffed," Josh said. "It's like impossible for most dudes to get any response in these environments. But these guys have no idea what to do with those feelings, it's scary. And it's always about their feelings. Always about their feelings. Always about their feelings."

I am terrified of the idea of a big 'ol needle in my spine and since I haven't actually given birth yet I can still say "hey, maybe I won't need it and the kid will just come right out". I know I'm lying to myself, I'm just a wuss.

I'm fine with being challenged. I just have no patience for, like, the 800th person who decided not to read the thread and so makes the exact same point that 799 people made first and which is still not really what my post was about.

*snore* If you're going to troll, be more interesting.

I'm sorry that happened to you, and also that something similar has probably happened to most women. The irony, that when you turn down sex with a total stranger, men call you a whore. :/

Next up from Big Facebook:

The "You're Married. Why Haven't You Bred?" button.

In this situation, I would be soooo tempted to perform the pledge as originally conceived...

Curses! You have uncovered my evil plan!

Oh nonononono, it's a bit more complicated than that. This medievalist does not concur. Read some Galen and how he and other ancient medieval medical authors/texts were interpreted by medieval to early modern scholars. These dudes spent a fucking long time talking about the supposed incessant sex drive of women, but

I think most Doctor Who fans can agree on two things:

Bless you, Indo-European languages. Makes determining who is evil based upon their name SO much easier.

Ehhhhhh no. She doesn't get a pass for this. Yes, it falls within the realm of her Annie Hall (which is what she won the award for) style, but as she eventually learned, there are ways to dress that up. Take Cher's 1988 dress, for example. Crazy, unexpected, borderline blasphemous. But still black tie. Diane Keaton

Two of my sisters are really close in age (one is 1 1/2 years older than me, the other 1 1/2 years younger). The younger was for many years the baby of the family and a real spoiled brat. She used to regularly ruin my dolls by cutting their hair off, etc. So one time my older sister and I took her favorite doll, one

Serial Killer Barbie was also a very normal thing in my home.

My Barbies were also involved in a lot of violence - for some reason I was really into kidnapping as a child so there was a LOT of kidnapping and being tied up. My stepfather came over for a date with my mom and found Barbie and Ken, naked, tied up with shoelaces, hanging from the bathroom doorknob and was like "what

Okay, I will be forever proud of this Barbie story: We (my younger sis and I) had a small dog that once chewed the leg off one of our barbies. So instead of getting upset, we coloured her leg with red marker and threw her into the pool, because she was now a shark attack victim.

I was too young when I learned about the Holocaust. I shaved all my Barbies and placed them on a cookie sheet, just as my mother was walking into the kitchen. I can't imagine the look on her face when she learned that her little girl was "playing Shoah."

My Kens were subjected to left-leg amputation as soon as they