
100% agreed. It's hard to shine when you're given no decent material to work with. The back half of the season Sam was made to spend episode after episode sitting in the corner researching. The writers clearly aren't that interested in writing him anymore, which sucks. I thought Jared did a fantastic job in this

This episode reeled me right back into TVD. It was so tense and emotional and well-done. And Alaric! I love the little family dynamic he has with Jeremy and Elena.

I did. I also try to be uncritical, but that was not a good episode. This show has become ridiculously repetitive. Castiel trying to lead an army to take back heaven…check…A Winchester brother going darkside due to a 'magical influence'…check…

Haha I wouldn't call myself a TVD shipper, but back in season one, I was really rooting for Jeremy and Tyler to get together. They had great chemistry.

The Jeremy-Matt-Tyler team is my new favourite part of the show. And I cheered when Jeremy finally stood up to Elena and Damon. He acts more mature than most of the adults on the show.

This was a pretty dull episode, but thank goodness for Enzo and his magnificent voice saving it. I wasn't interested in Stefan's story, and I agree that the Damon stuff felt forced and didn't fit his character or back story at all. The flashbacks were really well-done though.