
See, I don't agree with that. He would do "anything" for Octavia, but he has acted against her wishes/wants/opinions over and over because he "knows best". Bellamy, of all the characters, never gave Octavia credit as a full fledged person with her own agency, but often reduces her to the little sister he has to

I think Clarke is kind of all of us, in this episode, trying to understand Bellamy, trying to persuade ourselves (and him) into being the good guy he has shown the potential to be… and Bellamy stays true to who he is, ugly as it is.

Now they have a shit-ton more guns and men, a better ability to make bullets and gun powder from shrapnel…

A lot of the issues with how the Arkadians "do things" relates to this inability to really adapt to the realities of life on the ground. The leadership of the ark was concealing issues for at least 2 generations (eg: not enough drop ships to bring everyone to the ground eventually, concealing that the ark was running

death is not the endgame, lordpuddlegum.

Maybe we'll finally get to see the full one where they light him on fire first, then cut him, and then the commander ends it with a sword?

I'm thinking assassination attempts, or her being afraid, or death of the nightbloods, loss of public control or honestly what if the clans just stay chill (and more interestingly): with so much mention of supplies (food, water, medicine, and shrapnel for bullets), it's interesting to think of trikru ceding land to

I have so many theories, and you know this has deep deep historical roots. I'm working out the kinks of a theory, but basically riffing off the idea that ALIE basically restarted society and implanted herself in the foundation in all sorts of sacred / superstitions… I can't wait to see how this fits in with nightblood

I think it provides some more political intrigue, and I think Lexa knows that while she is a visionary, it has taken a lot for her people to understand time and time again that peace — the high road in this case — is not the same as weakness. (dude… you know me, I def want Lexa to live, her spirit needs to stay where

That's an BROT3 of power right there. Octavia hates Lexa for the missile on tondc/mw, Lexa tried to have Octavia killed, Octavia also pissed at Clarke for mw… It was electric to see them, and Indra, in the tent plotting.

What concerns me is that when Finn massacred the village, Lincoln straight up said Lexa "would be dead by morning" if she showed Finn mercy. Obviously the difference here is 1) time 2) it was an army (PEACEKEEPING but still) and 3) the skaikru are part of the coalition and Clarke has earned more leniency and trust

This. All of this. I was so taken in by Bellamy's self-awareness, good job Bob Morley and the writers. Also I want to punch Bellamy in his stoopid murdering face. (I'm being light here, but I really can't like and upvote your comment enough, it's just so on point)

Not only do I love that Bellamy is so in character and it is painful to watch, but that the characters in-world try to excuse him as much as his fans in the real world have…

oh man I was really hoping Raven would explore the tech and be a wizard … but if any character could draw me into the CoL storyline, it's Raven … and Lexa…

I have a feeling he's about to be our direct connection between Polis and the city of light, shablamoooo

Can we throw in a Clarke playing drinking games and ready-for-bed Lexa?

I'm hoping for an assassination attempt. Maybe Bellamy's redemption is that this time when he shoots the Chancellor… he doesn't miss.

Changing accounts (from framo) to get in early with quick thoughts: as infuriating as Pike and Bellamy are this episode (re: disgusting and xenophobic, imperialistic and gravely stupid to not see that THEY are the invaders and outsiders, THEY are the instigators… and yes Bellamy, it your actions that led to a shooting

I believe the episode with the dinner party at Gideon's house, in the aftermath of the announcement [Elliot runs off; Ollie and Angela fighting]. Angela tells Ollie that she and Elliot met in the cancer ward when their parents were dying. So that is pretty explicit. (I love you finding the detail of Darlene being cut

It was a delight. But chunky Showalter made me a little sad, in addition to his not getting to be involved with the rest of the original players…