
Standard disclaimer : I have no idea how hard it is to make games of this scale.

How much are regular game and watches going for? I’m sure in my parents’ loft somewhere I’ve got a pinball and a mario bros, both 2 screen models. I loved them soooo much. Hope they’re still up there

Yeah as many have already said, this is disappointing. I’ve never built a AAA game so I’m not gonna armchair critic myself into an argument over how simple it would be but given how this is a core piece of what Halo is, I would have expected this to be baked in from the start, not tagged on at the end. If it’s baked

If that’s the way you want to play it though, fair enough I say. As someone who focuses on PVE in destiny I always resented when a PvP issue got a fun gun nerfed. I don’t know the solution, “Shax won’t let you have that gun in crucible” is a weak solution. Different capabilities in different modes also seems

Just read some of your stuff on Twitter, now very much looking forward to reading more. 💜

Honestly it was the truth of the big bowl for popcorn or barf. I might buy a second bowl. 

That’s the spirit! Well done!

After the spoilers in splitscreen I knew this was coming and also wanted to give Fahey a hug. Sorry to see you go, you’re one of the writers who’s stories I’ll always read regardless of topic just for your style and humour so will follow where you go. Good luck out there.

I was hoping for Bishi Bashi Special

I agree. I would have thought fixing a known problem would be top priority when releasing the next version. 

Assassin’s creed is one of the few franchises that periodically unplugs me from Destiny. I for one welcome our new Assassin’s Destiny overloads.

All the birds were replaced by drones by Barack Obama in 2001. Do the research!

No they weren't

Thanks for this, I went to the Xbox store, found out I already owned it but hadn’t played it yet and just had a major nostalgia trip. Good times :)

Praise for you bravely creating an account today just to say all that. Strongly suggesting you’re the same person who did this on all the other articles. Also you’re probably 11 or of not, you still live with your mum. That’ll teach you.

No, it was named after the old city of Donk, capital city of Donkshire England.

Space giraffe on Xbox. Such a good shooter when you get your head into it. If you’re not using headphones, you’re not going to hear half of what’s going on and you’re never gonna do all 100 levels in one sitting. Once you click though, whole nights can vanish. So glad it's still on current gen consoles.

Seems to be in the play store for Android but recent reviews saying it doesn’t work on newer phones. Can anyone confirm or deny that?

There were so many ads and links to related stories, I had no idea what was going on there. And then there were videos. I want to keep the ads on for you cos it's paying the bills but you don't make it easy sometimes. Sorry dude, is what it is.