
Look I totally agree with you in that regard. But I think some people are unsure of how attraction works. It's not like you're saying "I hate _____ people, so I'm attracted to _____". For some it might be. But in general it's a physiological response. Being more attracted to a black woman doesn't mean you hate white

It's been a long time…someone remind me exactly what Martha knows about "Clark" please. I remember him taking off his wig and stuff but not what he told her. Would be much appreciated.

My god I went to see the Revenant at 10:30pm in December and somebody brought their 3 and 5 year-olds. Never mind the content, no young child should be brought to a 2.5+ hour movie that late at night.

Is there a difference? Yes there are tons of HUGE differences like the ones you mention. But sexual attraction is a whole different context. Skin tone can be attractive or unattractive (like being tan or pale). As can the features that are common among people of different races (eye color, hair, etc).

So everybody should find everybody just as attractive? You can't prefer tan to pale or black hair to blonde or tall to short?

So to be clear, I agree racism is real and even common. However, I just don't agree that someone being generally more attracted to a certain race is an example of racism.

A fetish? Come on. People have preferences for eye color, hair color, skin tone within a certain race (tan vs not tan and more), but it's offensive for a person to tend to be more attracted to a certain race?

No. But tons of people have physical traits they find attractive. Hair color, eye color, body type, etc. Different races have trends in attributes other than skin color as well. It's not racist to find a certain group of people attractive

Yes. It is a real problem. But a character finding a certain race attractive when everybody has their own preferences and things they find attractive including skin tone, hair color, eye color, body shape, etc. hardly seems offensive. I just don't get it. If the jokes were offensive then okay.

Why though? I dated someone who very clearly had a preference for black men once. It's a real thing that happens. I also know people who have a type for a variety of other races as well. Many people do.

I haven't seen the episode..but the reviewer here seems to think there is a problem with his type being black women in the first place, which I don't really understand. Is that offensive in and of itself to some people?