frail jones

I live in Regent Square. There wasn't a single trump yard sign in this neighborhood. I go to work at sites on the Ohio and Mon Rivers and its like I'm on another planet.

This couldn't be more wrong. I'm one of the few liberals at a construction firm outside of Pittburgh. Most of my co-workers voted for trump. They could not care less about NFL football. They think watching another person play a game is a frivolous waste of time. They can't fathom why an adult woyld wear a jersey with

Just wanted to chime in to recommend "It was Hot, We Stayed in the Water" as an excellent gateway album. It was my intro to The Microphones and I still keep it in the rotation every bit as much as TGP2.

I had an inkling that Chuck didn't want Jimmy at HHM when he made that late-night phone call. Chuck's shocked and appalled act as Hamlin made it clear that Jimmy could never join the firm was rage-inducing.