
I have never understood this mentality, and we have a lot of it here in Nevada.

You aren’t special because you were born within the entirely made up borders of a state, or because you chose it as your adopted home. I was born in Michigan and I fucking hated it, so I got the hell out. 

There are some great people from

Eh, sounds like victim blaming a touch. Things we know:

“I’m not a conspiracy-addled fascist, but I knowingly voted for one” is not the moral high ground you think it is.

I just wonder why we hear so much of that number but somehow even the so-called “liberal media” barely seems to mention the 81,283,098 people who voted for Joe Biden.

Let’s also note that the actual Geographical Center of the USA is in South Dakota, and the Jeep in the ad was an AMC.

And there can be no forgiveness without contrition.  

The house refused to take any action against the member (Greene) who loudly supported Qanon and also called for democratic officials to be killed as traitors.

I’m talking about the one side that refuses to in any way hold one of their own accountable for passionately believing in:

The Republican Party is the party of tax cuts for billionaires, QAnon, blatant White supremacy, homophobia, misogyny, voter disenfranchisement, etc. You are a fascist. That’s it. Nothing more.

There can be reconciliation with the garbage views you have somehow managed to hold onto into ‘adulthood.’ 

One side literally just stormed the US capitol, erected gallows, and threatened to hang politicians. So no, I have zero desire for unity with anyone who supported that, and the fact that we still have politicians who defend it is disgusting.

We demand a write up about this!

He should have just complied.

You don’t even need to get out of your car, you can just turn around and come back and make sure it was actually a deer.

But anything to be a contrarian I guess.

“leave a dying man on the side of the road” isn’t any better is it?

Fuck Trump and his MAGAssholes. May they find connecting rods poking through their stupid blocks.

He seldom did clutch drops and usually raced from a roll, so as to not shock the system.

Granny shifting; not double-clutching like you should

Grass car you say?

[Jalopnik waiting room]

Me: [chanting] utes, utes-

Other jalops: utes, UTES

Secretary: [pounding her clipboard] UTES, UTES, UTES!

I’m amazed you could watch any of the release videos, read any of this article, or even just glance at the Bronco, and then come to the conclusion that the designers were gunning for anyone other than the Wrangler.