

Star for you. I had to go look up GTFAC and was delighted at what I found.

First, your venting is misdirected. He’s not calling them stupid for disagreeing with him in his estimation as Mr Bloggerman as to what’s best. He (and I, and why not you?) is calling them stupid for acting in direct opposition to the instructions of medical professionals who are trying to prevent their fellow

...I’m not a conservative. I can, and do, think for myself....

Let me get this straight: 1) You’re shocked that there’s a political article on Jalopnik. and 2) You’re mad that people assume you’re an idiot?

I don’t see anyone forcing your eyes to read it ala Clockwork Orange, so feel free to fuck right off.

The war on education rages on

Ronald McDonald turned that GTB into a GTFO.

Thank you for that top down view. I needed that.

I think you’re in denial, Magus. Germany’s recorded the highest rate of new cases anywhere outside North America in the last few days.

Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity
To do everything QAnon ever wanted, in one moment
Would you derail it, or just end short of the ship?

Yo! His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There’s vomit on his sweater already: Mom’s spaghetti
He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
To sink

Maybe if his tires were properly inflated could have gotten past the crub and the fents

Missed it by this much.....

He would have stirred it by leaning in the desired direction in his train seat

No shit. He thought he could steer a train off the rails over curbs, fences, and two intersections?

I will also never pay more for a car than I paid for my house. 

Hi, wasn’t your feature piece on a very very expensive Audi just yesterday?

Saw the headlights, hated it. Yup, that’s all it took. 

Too much power and stupid headlights, but other than that a perfectly executed retromod. Just perfect. So many of them try to make behave like a new car with old looks, lush interior and wheels that clash with the design. This seems to at least attempt to keep the spirit and feel of the original product.