
Hooray. I hate touch screens. Lack of haptic feedback means touchscreens force you to take your eyes off the road.

No, Trump spends a week and a half arguing, first that something is ridiculous, then that it isn’t necessary, then that it’s impractical, then that it’s too expensive. Then he gives up: “Alright, we’ll do it, just shut up about it.”. THEN he claims it was his idea all along.

Any decent cult leader is eventually going to ask his followers to die for him. I mean, that's just Cult Leader - 101 right there.

Oh look here come another member of the cult walking lockstep with dear leader.

If he had started prep in Jan when he was first briefed, the ventilators would be in the hands of hospitals already. Your dude killed people through his incompetence, at least own it.

The article I linked to mentioned one Detroit area (not statewide) hospital system that already has over 600 COVID cases admitted. I can see you are allergic to information.  I think we are done here. 

Trump has spent weeks sitting on his tiny hands, letting people suffer and die because he’s too chickenshit to do the job he was elected to do. Now that GM has started making ventilators of their own accord, Trump has decided it’s now safe and popular enough to pretend it was his idea all along. He’s a goddamn fucking

Oh shut up! That’s not the case at all. Trump badmouthed everyone who said they needed supplies, and wouldn’t work with the people who could make supplies. Then, when he realized he was wrong, he badmouthed the suppliers he initially refused to work with, and hasn’t yet agreed that those in need actually needed what

Enough of the spin. You know that’s not how this went down.

Orange man bad

Didn’t Trump “Invoke ‘P’” on some Russian hookers a while back?

No, Trump bloviates, grandstands, and personally attacks people who call him on his bullshit, and the gets criticized for bloviating, grandstanding, and personally attacking people who disagree with him. The trash comes from his supporters and hanger-ons who would be mental if any one else did the exact same thing. 

Then don’t fucking read it, dipshit 

Trump really acts like this is a war, so he would have fought it directly, but the bone spurs though.

But the right-wing media fapped itself into oblivion yesterday because Dr. Birx told us we don’t need any ventilators.

Like winning WWII?

Does Sean Hannity approve? I mean he appears to be directing national policy.

All that work must have been exhausting.

Great price on that brand new Frontier!

It was an art project pop-up thing a few years ago. They mocked up a video rental store, but only stocked it with copies of Jerry Maguire. I’ll have to find a link to one of the stories about it.