
The Bitter SC is, without a doubt, the Belle of the Ball. The 959 is her German lover.

I’m waiting for someone to use it for a dickbutt

As the owner of two manual transmission 4Runners, a manual 5th gen would seal the deal. I’ll be at the dealership ordering a brand new 4Runner within the day if it came with a 6spd manual. Toyota has the transmission already, they’ve put it in FJ’s and Tacomas.

Give us another manual 4Runner!

its not super obvious from the video, but if ukraine your neck, you can see their western features.

The “20ft” you are using is hogwash. You can see the woman’s shoes in the video quite clearly just as the time turns 5 seconds, she is hit sometime after 6 seconds. 1 second at 45 mph is 66 feet. This woman was visible in the crummy color night camera 66 feet in front of the car and it still hit her. Just for funsies

I’m not even talking about auxiliary lighting. It seems like half of the Jeeps on the road lately have aftermarket LED or HID headlights that put out WAY too much light, or are poorly focused or aimed.

It probably cut deep in his Vaping budget. I’m sure he casually throws in how much it cost in conversation though while his neighbors look for any excuse to stop talking to him.

You have just proven that it looks bad even on a jeep in mid-air after a sweet jump. Solidifies the badness.
Side note: The rest of the decoration on that jeep looks bad too.. so at least it’s following a theme.

Oh... you’re one of those people. Do you also feel that taxation is theft and women owe you sex after dinner?

Those things are fucking hideous. And Jeeps that have them are almost always drived by dudebro meatheads who also have “COEXIST” stickers where the letters are spelled with gun silhouettes.

Why are you being so mean?

Jeeps are like puppies... friendly and always there for you...

Or an Aqua Teen villain.

Let me check my watch.

It’s usually the least of your underhood concerns when you’ve got a Citroen.

A little thermal degradation never hurt anyone, right?

A gaggle of geese.

That Pathfinder didn’t stand a chance against these rogue trailblazing explorers. It couldn’t even envision an escape from their renegade quest for liberty.

I’m all for people buying cool cars just to do so. If nothing else, it means there are just cool cars out there. At best, those cars make an awesome used/classic market.

+1. Thank god for posers. Most 1960's muscle cars never went street racing, most BMW M cars never carved up a canyon road, and most Raptors don’t get jumped over termite mounds. But when those poser buyers are on to the next “cool” ride, those pristine pose-mobiles are ripe for our picking.