
That was the most dangerous move possible, especially at a blind corner. He should have followed the marshal’s point instead of taking off on his own. And before anyone else asks, yes, I am a corner marshal, and yes I have discussed it with some of the workers who were at the race.

I bet the driver feels like a real dope now.

Prevent auto accidents by not crashing!

Think about little kids, who are basically tiny drunks. They do things we think are stupid all day long.

Something something tire pressure, why did you turn, and I’m pretty sure it was a lambo dude.

Heck, I have a kid and I’ve gleefully turned my nose up at practicality in my fleet. I’m schlepping a single kid, not a sports team, I’m still ok with a tiny car. I’m ok with it specifically because I look at Europe (which contains Italy) and see how they don’t rely on SUVs and CUVs to tote their kids and crap. So an

Not all truck drivers are over-the-road, and why wouldn’t this apply to dads as much as moms?

This reminds me of that meme I saw about how you shouldn’t say to your children, “see, this is why you stay in school” when you see blue-collar workers, because it teaches your children to devalue blue-collar workers instead of to value education...

I would rather be cremated.

So 1 MPH over the limit in the left lane is too slow, but going too fast is not acceptable. Ok, so what’s acceptable in your eyes? 3 MPH over? 5 MPH over? At what point does it become “criminal reckless”?

Nope. All along the highways in my state, “Slower Traffic Keep Right.” Not “Slower Traffic Keep Right, Unless You Are Going the Speed Limit.” It might not be up to you to speed up, but it is your responsibility to get out of the way if you’re going slower than the traffic around you. Doesn’t matter if everyone else is

If someone passes you on the right, they’re an asshole. If everyone passes you on the right, you’re the asshole.

Actually, if you are impeding the left lane, you ARE breaking the law in many states, regardless of the speed of traffic. Troopers generally are not worried about speed until there is a large variance from the surrounding flow.

the article....

Might want to try reading the article.

you are a good driver.

You’re the type of person I want to flag down on the highway and shake hands with.

But what about going the speed limit in the left lane?

I always stay in the right lane while I’m not passing. If I am in the left lane and passing some cars and someone else is behind me in the left lane going faster than me and I can’t get over to the right lane because there are other cars in the way, I speed up until I can complete passing the cars in the right lane

I’m amused that you think this is obvious to everyone else. Am I supposed to believe that all the people slow cruising in the left lane are doing it out of spite as opposed to ignorance?