
If only we had more awareness about guns in America

No, that’s clearly a Saab ripoff

I guess the new show’s always stuck in second gear.

Chris Evans. Get the fuck off Top Gear and let Rory, Harris, Leblanc, and schmitz do shit on top gear, not banishing them to Extra Gear.

It’s a 1963 Elder chassis, Offy engine. Car was built by Edgar Elder in El Monte, California. This particular chassis is one of the last cars built by Elder, and one of the last front engine roadsters built for Indy. 1964 would be the final win for front engine roadsters.


Now if that same kid can IP65 the enclosure, properly design a circuit that won’t drain out a couple of AAAs in a day, lay out a high volume assembly procedure, implement a good set of datum reference frames, and test all components of this system properly, send me their resume.

If it’s based on the Giulia, they can just do it in one hour now.

Hopefully they take more than two hours to develop this car...

the bentley certainly screams “I have money” but I don’t know about it screaming anything else

These days they run E85. IIRC, they switched over about the same time they introduced the DW12.

Because methanol addresses another, more pressing issue: it doesn’t turn into a gigantic raging inferno in a crash (it has a higher flash point than gasoline), and you can douse it easily with water. After Eddie Sachs and Dave McDonald were killed at the 1964 Indy 500 due to gasoline, open wheel switched to methanol

Only if they can do an all-emoji broadcast.

Cut Chris Evans.
Paste Tiff Needell.

Well, yeah.

You can take the owner out of the Mustang, but you cannot take the Mustang out of the owner.

And to think people scoffed at me when I said the Supra was basically a Japanese Mustang.