
Nah, you don’t get it, this film is “more complex.” That means it’s good in the ninth, tenth, and eleventh dimensions but that in our normal four-dimensions you can’t detect its goodness.

I must say, the “Marvel Method” contains 2 seasons of Daredevil and 1 season of Jessica Jones.

If you keep repeating it’s good, maybe you’ll believe yourself.

Because television didn't take itself so seriously then. It was all in good fun.

I mostly feel the same, but at the point in time where you go and watch TOS and return with the opinion that it is awful...okay. You don’t need to get into Star Trek. You don’t like Star Trek. I don’t see it as a lack of purity so much as just that you just don’t like Star Trek, so why are you bothering with TNG or

Let’s keep in mind how Edlund handles dark...

Now playing

This. All of the nos. The tick is NOT Dark.

“It will be darker and more grounded.”

Oh man, I skipped launch because I thought Nintendo had finally jumped the shark (apparently I still hadn’t learned after all those years...), and because I hated the whole 3d craze (screw 3d movies, so in no way was I gonna support 3d gaming). And also the price. I finally gave in when Gamestop had the OoT 3DS on

I have the OoT 3DS, the ALBW 3DSXL, and the Majora’s Mask N3DSXL (woo letters!)

Well Routh has that charm that makes you root for him, even when he's playing a telekinetic vegan.

Routh saving the plane is still awesome to this day.

That’s the thing though, for all it’s faults, the Superman in Superman Returns is a hero and (stalking his ex-girlfriend aside) acts heroically at every opportunity. And he does it without being forced to, or somehow guilted into it. He is happy to save people, defend people, and make the world safer. There is no

Dear Literally Anyone Who Ever Makes A Batman Film In The Future,

I liked Superman Returns. That’s one statement I still believe in.

For all its flaws, I'd rather watch Returns any day.

Wait, Batman kills people in this? With a gun? What the hell?

Two years ago in a delirium I watched Superman Returns and Man of Steel back to back. I watched the former in one sitting. The other in two because I frankly fell asleep. Seems like not much has changed.