
I really hope that’s not the design. Looks terrible.

I believe step 1 was remove 99% of all the lightbulbs.

Oh my God something bad happened to you 27 years ago ....

I’m doubting the 4K part. In order to achieve that at 30 FPS consistently you are looking at a substantial CPU and GPU upgrade. We’re talking aboost up to at least a current gen i3 or last gen i5, and over twice the GPU shading power of a PS4 so greater than GTX 970 or aorund GTX 980/980ti territory.

$300 is totally worth it in my opinion. There's lots of great games on it. But, I'd hold out until e3, maybe they'll give us a release date for the next console.

it’s already about $300 and has a ton of great games worth getting the system for.

They’re pretty similar in terms of the cross platform games so just get whichever one has the exclusives you want to play or where your friends are. I play more on my xbox but that’s because I like the controller more and have more friends on that platform.

I was talking about The Highlander- I think we can agree- that is a B-Movie.

I was down on Robcop for a while. I loved it when it came out. Then I changed my mind about it and didn’t watch it for a years (and yes, I said shitty things about it online, too.) Then I watched it on cable a few months back and realized what an asshole I’d become. Robocop is awesome and I was just wrong, wrong,

Psst! It was George W. Bush who signed the law that created Common Core.

Yea, that and Erskine’s pre-experiment pep-talk where he says that he wants Steve to remember that he wasn’t chosen for being a good soldier, but because he is a good man.

I think the first scene where I knew Chris Evans was Cap was the “I don’t like bullies” scene. It squarely defines who Steve Rogers is, a man who fights not for power or strength but out of protecting people.

Yeah, protecting the ideas that they developed and own. What horrible people they are.

Probably the Kickstarter cash, yeah. Intellectual property, as I understand it, is also fairly finicky. If you don’t exercise your rights, you tend to lose them.

The makers of Axanar are paying themselves salaries from their crowdfunded movie and wanted to use the money to set up a future, for-profit studio for the creators, and they were doing it on the back of fans of an established, copyrighted franchise which CBS, who own the TV rights (and Paramount, who own the movie

Some one is making a better version of Star Trek something that hasn’t been done in years , and doing it for the fans .

I would recommend doing a clean install. I’ve found most of the bugs and stuff come with the update. Once I did the clean install, it seemed to eradicate any issues I was having with Win10.

Bob Newhart is a national treasure that millennials will never understand.

And yet neither the new Unreal Tournament, Paragon or Shadow Complex are available on any platform other than the Epic Games Launcher on PC.