
Right because there hasn’t been a single instance of Snyder turning bright cheerful colors dark and mournful. Not one instance. Nope.

Have you ever used a Steadicam or Glidecam? I have one and it’s incredibly helpful when flying. I use a Red at work and it doesn’t have autofocus and I would rather use our Sony even though it forces me to shoot in lesser quality. It just isn’t possible for me to focus my shot while moving.

Very well said. I would add it is probably due mostly to ignorance brought on by tribal thinking rather than cultivating an independent mind.

comments are disgusting.....basically celebrating his death because he didn’t agree with people’s ideologies. just as classless as what I’m sure would happen over at some tea party site had a liberal judge passed. different side of the same coin, and both sides stoop to disappointing, classless levels.

To be fair, the example you used about hospitals is a flawed one. Power of attorney has been accepeted by hospitals for a very long time and you can legally give it to anyone you want regardless of gender. The hospital/visitation argument grabbed lots of people as it very much tugs at heartstrings as emotional

I said much the same thing on another page and I got quite a bit vitriol in return.

Amen! And also, non religious affirmative!

Precisely, disagreements are acceptable as long as they are presented in civilised manners. Many people do not get that, and often resort to character attacks in order to quell the disagreements.

Fortunately I'm more of a gamer than I am sports fan. I will cry the day Nintendo stops making Zelda games!

I was hardly a fan, but this Supreme Court decision is one of the most important things to ever happen involving video game culture and he wrote the majority opinion. It’s a minor part of his legacy, but given that this is a gaming-centric site, it seemed worth noting.

sounds like someone has old man syndrome, I dont like it because its not what im used to. is it gimmicky? probably. I fail to see how this is a nightmare, OH NO, PEOPLE CAN WATCH FOOTBALL ON THEIR TABLE, ITS SO TERRIBLE!!! WHERE DID THE WORLD GO WRONG?

I always think of that movie when I hear “Holding Out for a Hero.” So badass.

After watching it last night, I was trying to remember if there was ever anything in the original series that couldn’t fit into Mulder’s new theory, and all I could come up with was Fight the Future: if the conspiracy folks could do all that stuff in Antarctica, they wouldn’t need to be a conspiracy, they could just

Storywise it’s a mess, but yeah, it was awesome just for holy crap, new X-Files that isn’t the 2008 movie.

It’s the popular hipster thing to say this episode sucked. Wooden acting? Anderson and Duchovny played the characters exactly the same way they’ve always played them. In many ways it felt like the show never left. Aside from the contemporary cell phones and nods to current politics, it felt EXACTLY like an episode of


Deleted scenes are deleted for a reason: they aren’t canon.

He literally does a stage show where he punches out Hitler. In order to sell war bonds. For WWII. Did you even watch the fucking movie?

Aww man. You just associated Wonder Woman and Sucker Punch together and now I’m depressed.