
that’s the beauty of fast-forwarding porn, lol

Didn’t they have the weird science family down perfectly on TV? Yeah, it was called Fringe! Whoever did that should do the FF.

This, this is fucking impressive.

Most of the relevant settings are presented automatically during the install process. To be fair, if MS made them all opt-in, they would get zero data (because nobody would bother opting in) and that would not help them advance their OS at all.

Personally, I’m with you. Computers and smartphones exist to make our lives easier, and that’s what most of this stuff does. I do wish Microsoft would have refined some of their language, particularly on that one setting, but I personally have no problem with the rest of this.

The less you let the system know about you and your habits, the more generic an experience you will get. Some people want this. I want a customized environment.

Realistically, the sheer amount of data they’re collecting is not feasible for actual humans to go through. That’s really the most important thing for me. The only thing any individual is ever going to look at is broad analytics, to track things like what apps are most popular, what words Cortana has trouble

I think Chronicle’s story appealed to a lot of people. I didn’t have empathy for the characters and found them unlikable. But it struck a chord with a lot of people. And he had a rather Blomkamp way of doing special effects; mired in realism. And I think that went over well. I actually appreciated some of that in the

So it’s like when in the 2009 Star Trek movie we learn that McCoy was divorced and got the nickname Bones because that’s all his ex left him with. Except instead of being a funny throw back to a well known aspect of the character, it’s horrible and unnecessary.

This is the superhero movie I’m most excited for in 2016.

It makes it SOOOO much better when you wipe your computer or log in to a second one to have all of the settings just magically reappear.

If it makes you feel any better - women feel the same way about their own bodies. Between porn, women’s magazines, cosmetics ads, Disney princess stuff, etc., we’re trained from day one to be super-critical of our faces, bodies, hair, clothing, even our own sexual desires and interests. Remember when you see those

Not killing off the Borg has to be one of the best Trek decisions. They’re such a perfect bad-guy.

I even gave up porn because she asked me.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Star Trek has succeeded DESPITE Roddenberry, and not because of him. He was responsible for the original idea and impetus behind the franchise, but (much like Star Wars), the best stuff has come about from others.

I have two macs in my house, and I can tell you they are not trouble free. Java brought one of them to its knees and had to reinstall OS X. On the other, a MBA, it chokes on basic web games. For browsing and email, they are great, and are definitely less a target for fake malware links. but as soon as you try to do

Judging from the pilot, it’ll be by mentioning or referencing “him” about once every 5 minutes.

. . . that is literally what a data set is.