
Joss Whedon, on the other hand, is very adamant that Quicksilver can’t return

I liked this much better than the first. it had more of what I wanted out of an Avengers film. Better action, more banter, stronger relationships, and tons of personality clashes. It was more like reading one of the comics than any Marvel film so far.

James Spader as Ultron was like every piece of snarky, insightful

I hate that defense. Sure, it was his first day as a superhero. Ive yet to spend a single day super-heroing, and yet I know that knocking down a building full of people, then ignoring the survivors to go make out is BAD. I don’t need to do it first to learn this.

That’s the thing with the Marvel movies, they can deal with very heavy content but the great dialogue and a keen awareness of what and who they are (heroes) and what they doing (trying to save people’s lives) makes its seem a lot more lighthearted and feel good.

I watched a clip where Black Widow was on her bike, and it made me want to visit Seoul as the colors were just so bright.

I am really enjoying Microsofts Outlook app on iOS and OneDrive for cloud backups. I will definitely give Edge a chance as a result of these experiences.

If they screw this up? You mean when, don’t you?

Fingers crossed for Gold Johnny Five joining the team...

Reading the article, it’s highly appropriate in this case. There shouldn’t be any soft-peddling of the very real harm these con artists cause, and they deserve no respect at all, just the strongest possible condemnation.

And what it takes away from Coulson it adds to Fury’s ruthlessness - he was quite intent to manufacture a fiction that Coulson was dead and gone while getting him back for purposes.

Now playing

Magic blood. Magic transporters. No more death and no more danger from space travel. Why have starships? Why have Starfleet?

See the problem was, he was up against the Ancient English version of Boeing and Lockheed. He was never supposed to win, or come up with a design, the prize was merely a way to transfer money between English pork funds. Then Harrison came along and thought it actually was an open process, hahahahaha. When the rules

Hey, I love DKR, and I’m reading Injustice now and love it. I have no problem with him being dark when the storytellers have earned it. And if Snyder pulls a John Harrison and says “LOL JK it’s totally DKR!” I will frown, tip my hat, and buy a ticket for day one.

But, after MoS, they just haven’t earned it with that

Now that movie I would pay to see.

Epic Dark

This shot is all kinds of wrong. The Superman I know never wanted to be viewed as a god. This has got to be a shitty Elseworld story or something.

No matter how hard I try I still see Affleck as Bartleby. Being an asshole.

How about 90min of this instead?

No. They have 6 points/lobes instead of 5, they are regular Torx screws.