
Something I learned the hard way from a recent job hunt: do not pin all your hopes on a single company.

Great write up. But im curious about the ending.. “Cutler is now dead. So are most of the subjects of the studies. What can justice for these victims look like in 2105? It’s clear that something very wrong happened here—what’s less clear is how we right the wrongs of history, three generations later.”

“I have hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might show these my signs before him”

I'm terrible at this, because I'm still just a wannabe writer - but intellectually, I think the problem is separating criticism of the work from criticism of oneself. Criticism in this sense is a good thing if it's just criticism of the work, whereas judgement implies (at least to me) a far more comprehensive

me too. i never thought i’d do it, but bing is simply better than google, there’s no way around it.

Not to mention you get an actual COMPUTER with real multitasking and actual real games and programs.

The hardest moment of writing, for me, is that moment when you click the "send" button, either to agents or to Amazon. I have to physically psych myself up every time because I know that now the book is out there, being potentially read by strange human eyes and judged.

You forget: Desktop level OS, compatibility with all Windows software you already know and love.

Team Bing!

Artists love the things. A Surface Pro costs the same as a high-end Cintiq drawing tablet, and is infinitely more portable.

Yeah, the first few models were really a bad trade-off in terms of power for mobility but the Pro 3's specs had a lot of the IT guys I work with drooling. It's definitely catching on with artists I know as well. Folks have wanted full blown Adobe CS on a tablet since before the iPad came out.

It's been really popular with medical staff as well. They like the ability to carry it around between patients and it even runs a lot of the software that wouldn't have a counterpart on a tablet.

I have a feeling IT departments are going to love this new model. One doesn't necessarily need a whole lot of power to run administrative tools, and the extra portability from the reduced size and mass are definitely a plus in my book.

They're getting massively deployed to the association sector here in DC in my experience. Associations may not pay as great as some of the big contractors, but the small labor force means great perks and benefits like IT people who can spend on cooler hardware. My girlfriend had a work ipad and laptop combo, and was

c'mon over, we have 5 of 'em at work in an office of 14 people - in fact, there are more surfaces here than all apple products combined. in a trendy design studio.

Huh, I've seen a fair amount around the DC area

The Mayor of Sunnydale

Hooray! Also better representation of women maybe?

Now that was an awesome read. I've had to justify insanely expensive military grade cable connectors in the past, and it was always fun explaining to accounting why the extra hundred bucks would prevent the user from being electrocuted out in the field.