
It’s not about whether they care. It’s about the fact that they do not have the authority to do anything about it. Courts don’t create policies. If you want somebody to blame, it’s the Democrats and Republicans in Congress, and whichever asshat sits in the oval office at any given time.

That’s complete nonsense. Literally NO ONE supports such a silly idea.

Except that’s not true.

Also worth noting: the Constitution doesn’t *grant* rights, it simply enshrines a handful of them and protects the rest by limiting the ability of government to violate them carte blanche.

Hell, if ANYONE did. The notion that all you need to solve a problem is for somebody to pass a law is so patently ignorant and ridiculous it should be laughed out of the court room.

No constitutional right, no natural right, no positive right, no negative right...

The irony is that it's only the capitalists who can make the advancements necessary without creating another world of collectivist poverty and genocide.

Well, it’s also worth remembering that if you feel like you’re not getting what you deserve after you’ve put in some time and proven your value, go ASK for it. There’s no harm in it, the worst they can do is say no. But you’d be surprised how often they’ll give some ground, especially if you’re known for doing a great

Nope, the majority of people in tech don’t have a degree in comer science. Most have technical certifications, and a smaller percentage, usually in management, has 4 year or higher degrees. I was a systems engineer with a 6 figure job YEARS before I earned a single degree. I know people making quarter million dollar

That’s literally EXACTLY what we were always told high school does.

There are lots of ways to earn a living that aren’t well served by college. And I say that as a guy with 4 degrees. I learned IT in my late teens and early 20s, got a couple certifications (sans college) and worked my way up to systems engineer BEFORE I went and got degrees.

I can’t eat impossible’s fake meat because the sodium content is INSANE (right 400% over beef!), and that’s a migraine trigger for me.

Why would killing everyone have made it great? Do you just thrive on nihilism? :D 

I don’t understand people who watch movies on phones. I have a 65" OLED and a 7.1 system for watching movies and playing games. I’ll be damned if I’m going to torture my eyes and ears with a 6" screen and tiny, garbage speakers.

I have an OLED, so it was no problem to see it, heh.

I think the point of Bran as king is that almost nobody expected it.

Wait--they don't?! 

Why is easy: there are countless pieces of software that simply do not exist on MacOS.

There are no monopolies in payment processing, but I do agree that opportunity exists for someone else to step up and do that work. There's plenty of money to be made even if you're only charging a tiny fee per transaction.

Except that’s not how it’ll work. They’ll refuse to proceed the payment, which means the money stays with the customer who bought the service.