Frodo Baggins

I had the same problem showing my girlfriend the film, except I realized ahead of time the Director's Cut wouldn't suffice. So I made her wait an hour while I downloaded the theatrical version. Totally worth it, since she ended up liking it a lot.

I had the same problem showing my girlfriend the film, except I realized ahead of time the Director's Cut wouldn't suffice. So I made her wait an hour while I downloaded the theatrical version. Totally worth it, since she ended up liking it a lot.

"every good idea he had is one he lifted from someplace else."

"every good idea he had is one he lifted from someplace else."

I gotta say, even as a kid who liked the Ewoks, I thought the Jub Jub song was a bit silly and weak as the conclusion to the epic trilogy.

I gotta say, even as a kid who liked the Ewoks, I thought the Jub Jub song was a bit silly and weak as the conclusion to the epic trilogy.

If you wanted them to die, it could have at least been done in a better way than that.

If you wanted them to die, it could have at least been done in a better way than that.

The title sure makes more sense there than as a story about a detective who hunts artificial intelligences.

The title sure makes more sense there than as a story about a detective who hunts artificial intelligences.

"It's not like after 20+ years we don't know what's going to happen in "Aliens."

"It's not like after 20+ years we don't know what's going to happen in "Aliens."

"In the theatrical cut, the aliens don't really have a purpose other than looking cool."

"In the theatrical cut, the aliens don't really have a purpose other than looking cool."

Well, better than those who piss off half way through and speak like an authority on the matter.

Well, better than those who piss off half way through and speak like an authority on the matter.

You mean like recutting Othello as a story about Othello.

You mean like recutting Othello as a story about Othello.

Best UFO movie ever made. Easily.

Best UFO movie ever made. Easily.