Romes Is The Boss

I really do not understand how no one there who sees this type of behavior doesn't stand up to it. Call me old fashioned but if I see someone being harassed Male or Female I feel inclined to stand up against the pack mentality. So in a convention hall full of people no one tackles someone that is going around

I was also upset at the fact we as a player was not given the option to tell Ellie the truth at the end. I can understand it from the story point of view and what they were trying to portray. But by the end I felt that Ellie and Joel's relationship had reached a point where he could tell her the horrible truth. I also

I personally haven't run into any of these things on all of my playthroughs. A couple of people I know did lose save data after crashing. Surely not cool to release a game with game breaking issues. But in all fairness it is bound to happen. With time constraints and looming first party submissions. After working in

Does anyone know if any of the other titles were released in the U.S.?

Nice to see someone else's reaction to the opening. It was one of the few games in the last five years that had drew me in almost completely. By the time the Title Screen appeared I was hooked. Though I did shed a couple tears during the death scene. I saw it coming and I still couldn't keep those salty bastards

I would like to know how much they charge Triple A publishers to send out a patch. Is this just for indie or what. If so I am glad they are getting rid of it. Which in theory could only help other dedicated indie developers to making a quality product. But if they are only charging indie devs who by most rights can

Thank you for pointing this out. Fans usually only hear of these type of statistics while watching wrestling. But it is a huge line that was drawn that should be remembered. After that match a lot of talent put their bodies on the line just to come close to the bumps seen in that match. Which has made and broken

It really comes down to the capabilities of the developing team. If the developers can use the machine to it's fullest potential then it is a win all around. People should really just give up this argument all together. If you play a XB game that was ported over to the PS3 the XB version usually will have better