My gods. I mean, he's attractive—if not hot—today, but in that gif he looks just cute.
My gods. I mean, he's attractive—if not hot—today, but in that gif he looks just cute.
I still sing this to myself at least once whenever I get a day off and the weather is nice:
So many years later, I still routinely listen to that wonderful song.
I love you for using a Treasure Planet gif.
Not working from my iphone. Just sends me to the OS X page for betas
Now I am forced to share my Motel 6 story.
the grossest thing I've ever seen in a motel:
You're an angel. An internet lurking angel.
I am having issues today—where is that image from, and (and god I hope I'm right) is that Benedict Cumberbatch?
Thanks, Oprah, for inflicting Dr. Phil on our national culture.
They don't want to opt out of birth control because it's a "substantial burden" to exercising their rights— but they're perfectly fine with requiring a woman to get parental/spousal consent before an abortion, or wait 72 hours, or get 3 consultations with adoption agencies first, or get a transvaginal probe first. No…
Can I mention how lucky I am to have a man who made me wait at a spot at Glacier National Park for 5 minutes for 4 other people to leave in order to ask me, quietly, to marry him. No videos, no cameras, no audience. I am lucky.
I'll just leave this here, just because.
Both of them (she and Bill) are so fucking dumb to do this self-defeating shit. They both instantly resort to lying and concealing, whether or not there's anything important to lie about or conceal, and it ends up being a bigger issue than whatever it was in the first place.
those venues must be pretty small if they're sold out.
brb pouring out a 40 for my uterus
I was 12 when my parents became Witnesses. I was 23 when I finally got the hell out.
As s former JW and a 4th generation, I can't say I am surprised. They have a funny little policy of if it's your word against your accuser and there is no third party to corroborate (sp?) the story, they judge in favor of the accused, as it becomes a matter between them and "jehovah". I mean what the fuck.
I grew up JW and I remember when one of my friends in the church and her fiancé (we were only 18 haha) were messing around before the wedding. They confessed to "heavy petting" and oral, etc. The elders made her sit there in front of 3 of them (a "panel") and tell them all the dirty details of their sexual encounters,…