Fractured Farina

The sad part is the majority of the registered voters didn't bother to turn out and the rabid homophobes turned out in droves. So there was no clear tempering of the votes so anyone could actually gauge the general attitude towards gay marriage acceptance in the state. The churchgoers slammed down their fists on

hello i am here to consider chris evans

I was told there would be no math.


that's one of the many parts of his logic I really don't get. He doesn't want LGBT to marry each other but he'd be OK if a gay man married his daughter?

I might feel bad for his gay friends if I thought they actually existed.

That was the point I stopped reading.

The thing is, I bet he does have gay friends. The South is weird that way, especially with the rich folk, who will befriend and socialize with gay people but support and vote for the most regressive policies. I went to a wedding for two women (non-binding, of course) in South Carolina where their very rich,

Straight people are free to marry people they are attracted to and love, forming the families that work for them. Likewise, gay people are perfectly free to marry people they are not sexually attracted to and live in hollow marriages that make bigots feel better.

Everyone needs to understand that this man, who doesn't understand the absolute basics of constitutional law, is the Chief Justice of the state of Alabama.

"We treat everybody exactly the same unless you are different"

We don't discriminate in Alabama.

I was in a meeting with a few other people from church, as well as our priest. When our priest was asked -jokingly- if she was going to see 50SoG, her words were "No, I'm not interested in watching misogynistic bullshit."

Well, someone's got to bolster the family's coffers now that her mendacity aficionado dad has been thrown to streets.

This shit cannot be said enough:

this is literally jesus punishing you for talkin shit about chris evans

I thought Fox News would appreciate seeing a strapping young, blonde, white man trying to run a small independent business in a hostile climate created by women, who successfully suckers them into getting him reparations for the property damage they've caused.

I work at a place with a thing that people like to take pictures of. It's famous. It used to ring and can't anymore because it's broken. You get the idea.