Oh man, that never even crossed my mind! This has to be the answer.
Oh man, that never even crossed my mind! This has to be the answer.
LOL! Shall do!
Thanks! :-)
Sweet cheese and corn, that is an excellent idea!
LOL! Oh gosh, yes, that was a total joke! The author of the novel, Winston Groom, lives a few miles from here and the adoration that the film and novel received was vastly overrated around these parts.
Thank you so much for that, JustClickYourHeelsThreeTimes! (Awesome name, btw!)
Wonderful! I'm really looking forward to it.
Thank you for that. I'm gonna order a copy of each from Amazon.
I am throwing so much shade at Ms. Mills. Moving in next door, striking up a friendship with the sister and then writing a book about Lee? Then to purport that she had their blessing? Oh, hunty...just no!
It's long been rumored that Truman Capote actually wrote the book or greatly contributed to it.
Sorry to hear that you had such a rough childhood there. Hopefully, where ever you are now treats you much better. :-)
He's going to be glad to know he's not the only one who feels the same about the way things are there. He's been gone for a few years now and says that it's just understood and something no one really acknowledges.
Thank you for that feedback, StrongerThanWine. You said it much more succinctly than I did - disappointed is the perfect word to describe how I feel.
The one truly disappointing thing for me about this is that Tumblr is blocked at work and I can't bask in all of the schadenfreude.
Obviously, I know that the entire country isn't that way. I'm an idiot, but not enough of an idiot to think that the actions of a few people are representative of the entire population. For a country as progressive and enlightened as Australia, it just surprises me to see so much negative news coming our way about…
Australia is just KILLING it lately with the homophobia and racism. First, Tony Abbott gets elected to office, then that woman on the train goes on her racist rampage and now this.
I'm with you completely. Somehow I expect this from Mariah, but I'm surprised that Dunham acquiesced to this.
Good lord, I always forget about the tampon tea. I think I try to force myself to forget about it, truth be told.
Bonus points if we can make him curl up in a fetal position on the floor. I'll make sure that my camera's flash is working so that we can get that 'artistic' look he so loves when we take the photos.
"How does this smell Uncle Terry?"