Fractured Farina

YES! I will gladly join you so we can tag team him.

LOL! Thank you. :-)

How hard would it have been for her to put her foot down and say, "No, that pervert is not taking my photographs!"? Is she that desperate for publicity and attention?

Maybe someone stuck their erect penis in his face and it kind of threw him off his game.

Yowza, I might wait for that. As long as the ride had a happy ending.

Humidity is awful, isn't it? Here in Alabama, it's typically around 93 to 97%, which is just unbearable. You walk outside and just feel wet.

You are so lucky! I had the misfortune of being born here and haven't had the chance to move away yet. I am working on it, though. WOOT!

Nah, this is Alabama. We don't have windows. ;-)

You're very welcome! This is one of my favorite things evar!

Now playing

I've heard that clip and it is a thing of pure beauty and joy.

I think she's making a joke about the fact that the same actor also played a character named Bernard on LOST.

Yes, indeed. Sadly, I can spit from my desk at work and hit Bayou La Batre.

Wonderful - Glad to have you, MaryJanice!

It would tell us so much about these people.

I know it! That's a small enough sample of people that you could do some sort of study about their socioeconomic status. Maybe even a documentary!

Oh yes, it would be deeeelightful!

So much this!

I'm so glad you mentioned that because I was going to. Nothing says common sense like someone who doesn't realize that it's TWO FUCKING WORDS!

Oh hellz yeah! Plus, those bracelets. *swoon*

Bwahahahaha! I wish I'd thought of that Oscar the Grouch line.